The annual Herald Design Forum will return for its fifth edition on Nov. 10, bringing together the design world’s big names to Seoul.
Since its launch in 2011, the forum, organized by Herald Corp., has been more than a celebration of past design accomplishments, presenting to designers, industry insiders as well as the general audience the most relevant topics on the future of design.
This year, the forum will focus on how design acts as an intermediary and comprehensive platform between different industries, merges them, and creates new values in the process.
Under the theme “Design Platform Creates Value through Integration,” it will offer a glimpse into how design changes the world, with speakers drawn from various fields such as architecture, industrial design, social media, food and 3-D printing.
Prominent designers and industry leaders due to share their insight at the forum in Seoul include Randi Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media and former director of market development and spokeswoman of Facebook; Tom Dixon, creative director of the brand Tom Dixon; Arik Levy, creative director of L-Design Studio; Marti Guixe, food designer; Shigeru Ban, architect and winner of Pritzker Prize 2014; Bob van der Lee, CEO of Total Identity; Tommy Li, a branding designer in Hong Kong; Janne Kyttanen, founder of Freedom of Creation, a product design company specializing in 3-D printed products; Alvy Ray Smith, cofounder of Pixar; and Lee Lee-nam, a Korean artist.
Aside from speeches and lectures, there will be plenty of side events for the Korean audiences to participate in.
This year’s forum will be held as part of two design-themed, public festivals ― the Nov. 11-15 Design Korea and Dec. 2-6 Seoul Design Week.
By Lee Sun-young (