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Now available: More sustainable IT products

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Today is the launch of TCO Certified generation 9, a significant next step toward more sustainable IT products. IT purchasers get access to a wide range of certified computers, displays and other products – proven to comply with stricter criteria for socially responsible manufacturing, circularity and safer chemicals.

Now available: More sustainable IT products.
Now available: More sustainable IT products.

Today's launch of TCO Certified, generation 9 intensifies global efforts for more sustainability, accountability, and transparency in IT supply chains. Updated sustainability criteria help purchasing organizations select the most responsibly designed and manufactured product models, as verified by independent experts.

"Moving toward a future where IT products are truly sustainable requires constant improvement. TCO Certified, generation 9 deals with some of today's most crucial sustainability challenges. Purchasers gain more influence in the supply chain and can prove their impact," says Sören Enholm, CEO of TCO Development, the organization behind TCO Certified.

TCO Certified, generation 9 comes with new Sustainability Performance Indicators (SPIs). Data is gathered and is verified by independent experts which reduces the risk of greenwash. The SPIs also help organizations make more informed purchasing decisions and measure the true sustainability impact of their IT products. 

Updated social responsibility criteria require transparency about which sub-suppliers manufacturers use, allowing purchasing organizations to get their voice further into the supply chain. Criteria for safer chemicals are expanded to also cover process chemicals. This helps purchasers protect the health and safety of workers. 

Generation 9 also builds on the progress of previous generations to enable circular IT solutions, now with more ambitious criteria aimed at extending the life of IT products and reducing e-waste.

"Purchasers specifying TCO Certified in procurement get access to brand new ways of influencing their supply chains, and the impact is measurable. More and more purchasers demand sustainably manufactured IT products and we've already seen a great interest in TCO Certified, generation 9," Sören Enholm concludes.

The first certified products will be presented at a digital launch event today, and are listed at TCO Development's Product Finder.

Toward sustainable IT products

TCO Certified is the world-leading sustainability certification for IT products. It is an easy-to-use tool that helps you get environmental and social sustainability right. Criteria are mandatory, tough, and apply globally. Compliance is always independently verified.

Contact: Sören Enholm, +46 8 525 097 01
