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AmorePacific shares beauty tips with cancer patients

Korea’s cosmetics giant AmorePacific is hosting a campaign to share skincare, makeup and hairstyling know-how with some 590 female cancer survivors and patients who are struggling to cope with their physical changes, the firm said Tuesday.

The AmorePacific Makeup Your Life campaign that began on Oct. 5 will continue until Nov. 23 at 16 hospitals in Seoul and other major cities.

A participant receives beauty consultation during AmorePacific’s Makeup Your Life campaign held at Gacheon University Gil Medical Center in Incheon. (AmorePacific)
A participant receives beauty consultation during AmorePacific’s Makeup Your Life campaign held at Gacheon University Gil Medical Center in Incheon. (AmorePacific)

“AmorePacific has been working to make the world more beautiful and healthy for the past 71 years, because we believe in the power of ‘beauty,’” said Yoo Jae-cheon, executive vice president of AmorePacific’s Luxury BU.

“We hope the campaign can help participants get and feel better,” he added.

Throughout the event, beauty experts at AmorePacific offer makeup and skincare tips appropriate for cancer patients.

As part of the program, patients are also offered an opportunity to heal their minds by writing letters of gratitude, making their own pot with empty cosmetics cases and more.

All participants receive a Makeup Your Life Kit, composed of a brochure and cosmetics from brands under AmorePacific.

The firm has been hosting the annual campaign since 2008 in support of female cancer patients.

The importance of psychological therapy has continued to rise as the survival rate of cancer patients increases.

According to a study by Samsung Medical Center’s Cancer Educational Center, among 168 breast cancer patients that participated in the research over 55 percent experienced appearance-related stress during therapy.

Those sensitive to changes in their appearance showed lower quality of life and higher depression than those relatively free of stress, the study showed.

Cancer patients said hair loss and changes in their skin were the most difficult to endure.

Patients’ stress level eased by 17 percent, while their negative response to the illness decreased by 12 percent, after participating in the campaign, according to a report released in February 2015 by Kim Sung-won, a breast cancer specialist and director of Daerim St. Mary’s Hospital.

Meanwhile, AmorePacific expanded its overseas Makeup Your Life campaign to China in 2011 and to Vietnam last year, which have received positive feedback from participants there.

The firm plans to further expand the campaign to more countries to fulfill its social responsibility on a global scale.

The cosmetics giant also plans to host the Makeup Your Life Talk where a well-known figure shares his or her experience battling cancer.

Female cancer patients who have had a cancer surgery within the past years, and are currently undergoing radiation therapy and other treatments can sign up for the campaign.

For inquires, call (02) 3287-3023 or email 

By Kim Bo-gyung (