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[Weekender] Lengths people go to stop hair loss

Some apply hair ointment, some spray herbal hair restorer, some take pills, some visit a hair clinic, and some even receive hormone injections, all to stop balding.

From low budget daily regimens to pricey scalp treatments, there is a wide range of methods to put an end to hair loss.

Scalp acupuncture is performed to increase scalp blood circulation at Thebom Korea Medicine Clinic Bundang Branch. (Thebom Korea Medicine Clinic)
Scalp acupuncture is performed to increase scalp blood circulation at Thebom Korea Medicine Clinic Bundang Branch. (Thebom Korea Medicine Clinic)

“I try to stay away from coffee, and make sure to blow dry my hair after a shower,” said 25-year-old Jung Kyung-soo, who has been struggling with hair loss for about a year.

Given that the body provides nutrients to the scalp through blood circulation, some people with hair loss avoid coffee because it leads the body to expel water, and dehydration hinders healthy blood circulation.

Also, blow drying is key to blocking out bacteria as they spread rapidly in humid conditions, but it needs to be done the right way. Blow drying on a hot air setting leads to drier skin, so experts advise drying with cool air.

Unlike Jung, who follows a more common regimen, some go so far as to inject hormones that help lower high testosterone levels, often pointed to as the reason for hair loss in men.

Before taking any measures, Choi Dong-gi, doctor of Korean medicine at Thebom Korea Medicine Clinic Bundang branch, highly recommends his patients to get a health checkup to find out the weak or weakening functions of their body that could be responsible for hair loss.

“For example those with an ailing kidney may experience balding, because it delivers to the scalp nutrients needed for healthy and shiny hair. In this case, we would focus on recovering the kidney through acupuncture, cupping therapy, and herbal medicine,” Choi explained.

The root cause of balding differs individually, so a health checkup is required before going ahead with treatment, he emphasized.

Meanwhile, the weather can also contribute to hair loss.

A sudden drop in temperature shrinks the blood vessels and interferes with healthy blood circulation, while a sudden increase in temperature produces excessive sebum and leads to an oily scalp.

“Although hair loss in between seasons is only natural, losses can be minimized by receiving customized scalp cleansing and nutrition therapy to strengthen your scalp,” hair clinic Dr. Scalp said.

Celebrity hairstylist Yeo-eun at Hautbeaute Saloon underlined the use of shampoos with a relatively low pH.

“Scalp is an extension of facial skin, and our skin has a low pH level. But nearly all shampoos sold on the market are alkaline-based, meaning they have a high pH level. They are rougher for the scalp and hair,” Yeo said.

Unless they use an acid-balanced shampoo, Yeo recommends her clients to shampoo no more than once a day. Alkaline-based shampoos expose the scalp to bacteria for about 8 hours, before the protective layer recovers.

She also stresses the significance of blow drying, especially during summer.

“You will not regret the minute or two invested in blow drying (at least) your scalp. Walking around with a wet scalp is pretty much inviting bacteria to mingle with sweat and fine dust,” she said.

On a more down scale note, brushing your hair with a soft brush from neck to forehead before jumping into the shower can stimulate blood circulation and untie tangled hair.

Also, green tea seems to be the drink to look for instead of coffee. Catechin in green tea that creates the dry and puckery feeling in your mouth, restricts the production of a hormone responsible for balding called dihydrotestosterone. Green tea also has less caffeine than coffee.

As cliched as it may sound, interviewed professionals pin pointed controlling stress, eating healthy food, exercising at least three times a week, getting enough sleep as the utmost important factors to prevent hair loss. 

By Kim Bo-gyung (