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Police arrest a boy for drawing “teacher must die”

A Colorado boy has been arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for drawing stick figures and a threatening message while in his classroom, according to news reports.
(captured from The Daily Mail)
(captured from The Daily Mail)

The as-yet-unnamed boy drew some stick figures saying “teachers they must die” along with himself and a gun. He had thrown away his drawing, yet his teacher found it and reported to the principal.

The boy was arrested that night at his home. Arvada, Colorado police handcuffed him and took his mug shots. He was detained in a cell, which some criticize as harsh punishment for an 11-year-old.

The boy is being treated for attention deficit disorder, and his doctor had previously recommended drawing something in order to release his anger rather than to interrupt the class.

Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper quoted the boy’s therapist, Dr. Patrick Bacon, as saying that putting the 11-year-old in jail was “quite an overreaction,” saying that he was not a threat.

The boy’s parents were very upset that they could not even accompany their child to the police station. They told Fox 31 News that, “It was violently unfair to the little guy. It’s traumatic.” Should the boy complete his term of probation, police say his criminal charges will be dropped.

Kang, Yoon-seung (
Intern reporter

Edited by Rob York

<한글 요약>

11세 소년, 낙서 혐의로 “체포”

미국 콜로라도州의 한 소년이 “선생님은 죽어야 한다”는 낙서를 한 혐의로 체포되어 화제다.

11세 소년 Tim (가명)은 수업 시간에 “선생님은 죽어야 한다”고 외치는 모습과 함께 총을 들고 있는 자신의 모습을 그렸다. 그림을 다 그린 Tim은 이를 즉시 버렸으나 이 것을 발견한 선생님은 이 사실을 교장에게 알렸고, 그날 밤 경찰은 소년 집에 찾아갔다.

경찰은 체포한 소년의 지문을 채취하고, 범인 사진을 찍었으며 철장에 구류하였다.

소년 부모님에 따르면, Tim은 “주의 집중 장애 (ADD)”를 앓고 있었다. 담당 의사는 Tim에게 심리가 불안할 때 그림을 그리라고 권유하였고, 수업 중 불안 증세를 느낀 소년은 그림을 그리게 된 것이라고 데일리 메일은 전했다. Tim은 이전까지 법적인 문제를 일의 킨 적이 없다.

한편 소년은 형량을 채울 때 까지 보호 관찰 아래 있을 것이라고 현지 경찰은 밝혔다.