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Dog OK after getting head stuck in smudge pot

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (AP) - A dog in Riverside County is recovering after becoming a real pot head.

Animal Services spokesman John Welsh says the male dog got his head stuck in an old smudge pot, a device used for burning oil.

An officer safely freed the white dog, who was nicknamed "Smokey" because his face was blackened during his misadventure Friday near Hemet.

The officer says the animal was likely chasing a mouse when he got stuck.

The dog, who's about two years old, is being cared for at the San Jacinto Valley Animal Shelter. Animal Services officials hope his owner will claim him.

Welsh says the dog is underweight but otherwise friendly and playful.

[한글 요약]

미국 캘리포니아주 리버사이드시에서 한 강아지 항아리에 머리가 박히는 엽기적인 사고를 당한 뒤 점차 건강을 회복하고 있다고 AP 통신은 전했다.

리버사이드시 동물 보호 단체 대변인 존 웰쉬(John Welsh)의 설명에 따르면, 문제의 숫강아지는 낡은 훈증 장치에 머리가 낀채 발견되었다고 밝혔다. 훈증기는 연료를 연소하여 농작물의 서리 피해를 막아주는데 널리 사용되는 장치다. 

사건이 발생한 이유에 대해, 이 동물 보호 단체 관계자는 쥐를 쭟는 과정에서 불행하게도  강아지의 몸이 장애물을 미처 피하지 못하고 통 안으로 빨려 들어갔을 가능성이 크다고 추정하고 있다. 

머리의 끼임과 동시에  연소과정 이후 훈증 장치에 남은 그을음을 얼굴에 파묻는 이중고를 경험한 2살배기 강아지의 몰골을 본 목격자들은 주인없는 강아지를 위해 "스모키(Smokey, 검댕이)" 라는 별칭을 지어주었다. 스모키는 현재 리버라이드 샌 하신토(San Jacinto)에 위치한 동물 보호소의 보호 아래 생활하고 있다.

구조된 스모키는 비록 저체중 이지만, 붙임성이 있으며 쾌활한 모습을 보이는 등 건강 상태에는 문제가 없다고 대변인은 전했다. 

This photo from Riverside County, Calif., Animal Services shows Animal Control Officer Amy Farrell with a dog who had his head stuck in a what appeared to be the top, canister-like portion of an old smudge pot, a device used to fight frost on crops, in Hemet, Calif., Friday, Feb. 4, 2011. (AP Photo/Jenny Sinclair, Riverside County Animal Services)
This photo from Riverside County, Calif., Animal Services shows Animal Control Officer Amy Farrell with a dog who had his head stuck in a what appeared to be the top, canister-like portion of an old smudge pot, a device used to fight frost on crops, in Hemet, Calif., Friday, Feb. 4, 2011. (AP Photo/Jenny Sinclair, Riverside County Animal Services)
(AP Photo/Jenny Sinclair, Riverside County Animal Services)
(AP Photo/Jenny Sinclair, Riverside County Animal Services)


(AP Photo/Jenny Sinclair, Riverside County Animal Services)
(AP Photo/Jenny Sinclair, Riverside County Animal Services)
