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Safety concerns growing over AmorePacific’s lip product

A growing number of consumers who purchased lip products by Aritaum, cosmetic giant AmorePacific’s budget brand, are claiming to have adverse skin reactions after applying the product, according to local reports Thursday.

Online posts showing swollen lips and pustular eruptions have been uploaded by users who have complained the symptoms began only after applying Aritaum Volume-Up Oil Tint.

Aritaum’s Volume Up Oil Tint (AmorePacific Mall)
Aritaum’s Volume Up Oil Tint (AmorePacific Mall)

Reports by Environment TV quoting a dermatologist said the symptoms matched and suggested that such skin lashes could have been caused due to microbial contamination.

The oil substance may have created a favorable environment for germs to grow or the mix of the oil and color-fixing agents may have irritated the skin, it was reported.

Amid growing concerns, AmorePacific on Friday voluntarily recalled oil tint products categorized by color No. 2 and No. 5, and also by serial number, saying the products didn’t qualify for mandatory contamination control.

After running an internal test on the product, AmorePacific reported to the nation’s drug regulator that it exceeded standards for microbial limits.

Exceeding the standards for microbial limits, however, does not necessarily mean that it is the main cause of the skin trouble, an official at AmorePacific told The Korea Herald, adding that there could be different reasons.

“The reasons can be the differences in personal skin types and others. But we are looking closely to products that were not sold via official distribution channels, but through unofficial channels such as e-commerce and open markets online,” said Lee Kyung-min, communication manager of AmorePacific.

Despite the company’s explanation, Aritaum Volume-Up Oil Tint is not the first AmorePacific product that has been recalled or subjected to administrative control.

According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, four items by AmorePacific brands have exceeded standard limits for harmful chemicals or microbes.

In September, the ministry ordered AmorePacific to take back its Rich Eyes Long Lash Waterproof mascara by Hera, one of its popular brands, for containing phthalates in excess of regulatory standards.

By Cho Chung-un (