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Loen vows action over IU wedding rumors

IU (Loen Entertainment)
IU (Loen Entertainment)
Eunhyuk of Super Junior
Eunhyuk of Super Junior
K-pop singer-actor IU’s agency has asked the police to investigate rumors that she is to marry Super Junior idol star Eunhyuk.

In a press statement issued Monday, Loen Entertainment said it would also seek legal action against people who spread what it said were false rumors.

Wedding rumors have surfaced this week surrounding the two stars, with their names being the most searched keywords on local Internet search engines on Monday afternoon.

The rumors began to spread on various online sites claiming that two have plans to wed in October. However, representatives from IU’s agency, Loen Entertainment, have denied all the speculations, stating that IU has not expressed any desire to get married anytime soon.

“These are the sort of absurd rumors that you should just laugh off,” said Loen Entertainment officials.

An online community published a post claiming that a famous solo female singer “A,” who is currently starring in a popular drama, is secretly planning an October wedding with a certain boy band idol star “H.” It also went on to state that “A’s” agency was not encouraging the alleged upcoming nuptials.

By Julie Jackson (