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Inquisitive audience shower design gurus with questions

Interesting questions were followed by thought-provoking answers.

The finale of the Herald Design Forum 2011 was a special session titled “Design and Dream” which enabled the 800-member audience of diverse backgrounds and also those who could not attend the forum in person all over the world to fulfill their curiosity about the design gurus.

Rep. Jungwook Hong of the Grand National Party led the casual talk and Chris Bangle, managing director at Chris Bangle Associates and former BMW chief of design, as well as Kim Young-se, CEO of Inno Design, eagerly gave their time to be “the coach and mentor” of many aspiring students and designers. Along with questions from Hong and the audience, the two designers also answered many questions that were sent in via Twitter (@heraldforum).

Kim and Bangle talked about how they came across “design” for the first time in their lives ― Kim found an interesting design magazine in his friend’s house and Bangle, who first wanted to become a minister, one day sent his portfolio to an art school and just got in. 
Ruling party lawmaker Jungwook Hong (center) with designer Chris Bangle (right) and Inno Design chief Kim Young-se before attending the special “Design and Dream” session. (Chung Hee-cho/The Korea Herald)
Ruling party lawmaker Jungwook Hong (center) with designer Chris Bangle (right) and Inno Design chief Kim Young-se before attending the special “Design and Dream” session. (Chung Hee-cho/The Korea Herald)

The talk moved onto their current careers and visions about design. Bangle got up and danced “like a car,” telling the audience that it is what he asks his students to do.

“If you can’t express yourself like a car how are you going to put it into steel metal?” asked Bangle.

Kim, when asked about his visions on Korean designers, answered that they are still too spoon-fed.

“Listening to designers talk today, I felt that there is still a big gap and a big cultural difference between Western designers and Korean designers. We have to admit that the history of modern design in Korea is still rather short,” said Kim.

“Design is not only taking the work that is given. Even if you have just a small idea, go knock on doors at venture companies, persuade them, take risks and make business. That is also a part of the design industry,” he added.

Bangle did not forget to advise car designer aspirants.

“Car design is different. It is not some industrial design with wheels on. However, I get a little bit worried when I get e-mails from young designers who desperately want to be a car designer. It is a good thing, but that is not the way you are going to achieve the dream. You have to work hard, put in all your powers. So please, keep your vision and your focus,” said Bangle.

By Park Min-young  (