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Foreign Ministry, Busan City launches ‘UNs’ student ambassador campaign

Participants pose at the launching ceremony of the
Participants pose at the launching ceremony of the "UNs" student ambassador campaign promoting Busan City, held at Busan City Hall in Busan on Friday. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The Foreign Ministry and Busan Metropolitan City launched a team of university student ambassadors, dubbed “UNs,” and held a kick-off ceremony on Friday.

According to the ministry, it chose 50 Korean and 50 foreign university students as its ambassadors promoting the Busan City. The foreign students come from 22 countries, including China, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, among others.

The student ambassadors will carry out activities including creating promotional content for social media, to promote Busan overseas, until the end of this year, the ministry said.

At the launching ceremony in Busan City Hall on Friday, Ambassador and Deputy Minister for Public Diplomacy Lee Sang-hwa delivered a speech on the role of the UNs ambassadors, and Korea’s goal to become a ‘global pivotal state’ and on public diplomacy.

The annual campaign was first initiated in 2020, when they picked 25 student ambassadors to promote the city for the year. This year, the ministry and Busan expanded the program to involve more promotional activities, and also increased the number of ambassadors to 100.

By Jo He-rim (