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Asiana supports Vietnamese women

South Korean air carrier Asiana Airlines said Thursday it held its fourth graduation ceremony for beneficiaries of its “Beautiful Classroom” project.

The airline’s head of business management Kim Yi-bae presented certificates to Vietnamese students who have completed the education program during a ceremony at its job training center in Hai Duong, Vietnam. 

Since 2015, Asiana Airlines has been running the “Beautiful Classroom” project, a corporate outreach campaign, to help improve the educational environment for women in low-income villages. 

Kim Yi-bae (center, left), head of Asiana Airline’s business management, attends a graduation ceremony at a job training center in Hai Duong, Vietnam. (Asiana Airlines)
Kim Yi-bae (center, left), head of Asiana Airline’s business management, attends a graduation ceremony at a job training center in Hai Duong, Vietnam. (Asiana Airlines)

The project is run in collaboration with the International Cooperation Agency and nonprofit organization Good People. 

This year, a total of 73 Vietnamese women received training related to service, English, Korean, computers and accounting. 

The graduates will seek to be recruited at Korean companies that operate in Vietnam, according to the airline. In the past three years, about 350 beneficiaries of the airline’s training program have landed jobs at Korean businesses, large retailers, health centers and elementary schools, among others. 
