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[Design Forum] Janne Kyttanen reckons world of 3-D design

Janne Kyttanen is arguably one of the pioneers of three-dimensional design. Since his firm 3D Systems acquired Freedom of Creation in 2011, he has been delving into the world of 3-D printable high-end consumer design.

From fluidic-shaped stools to high-rising killer heels, Kyttanen drew global attention by infusing the 3-D techniques to the aesthetic but practical world of 3-D design.

And at the Herald Design Forum, Kyttanen will share his view on 3-D printing that brought revolution to the fashion industry. He shared a sneak preview of his world with The Korea Herald. 

Janne Kyttanen
Janne Kyttanen

The Korea Herald: You have expanded the boundaries of conventional design by adopting 3-D printing technology. As a pioneer in the field, how do you define design?

Janne Kyttanen: For me, design has never been about “form follows function” or about creating some flashy curves on a new car. For me, it’s a way of thinking about everything. For example, how would you design an organization? How would you design the recycling of products so that we could completely eliminate the waste that we pump into our oceans?

KH: The key slogan of the Herald Design Forum this year is that design acts as a platform between different industries, creating new values -- and 3-D printing is in fact a well-matching example to this. As a leading 3-D printing artist, what do you think about the concept of design platform? Do you actually feel that design integrates industries and creates synergy along the way?

Kyttanen: Yes I do -- design impacts everything around us. Design means adding creativity into every aspect of our lives, not just choosing the color and form of a product.

KH: Your 3-D design works vary from fashion, furniture and other industries. What is the core value that brings these different fields together? What do you value the most when you work on your designs?

Kyttanen: For the generations of designers before us, it took an entire lifetime to figure out one category of product -- how to design, produce, distribute and sell.

I’ve been able to touch countless categories of products in my work for several reasons; now we live in a world where information is freely accessible, there are infinite opportunities to collaborate, the investment required to start a new company is microscopic and the internet is the ultimate distribution platform. Now you can just launch your product quickly, and then perfect it as you go.

Most importantly, I’ve never designed my work to be just a product. I see all of my designs as “3-D content.” They can be used in virtual or augmented reality platforms, made into miniatures for Barbie, used for visual effects in movies, or 3-D printed into crazy mashups at home.

KH: You once suggested the idea of 3-D printing bags and shoes when traveling. When do you think such idea may actually take shape in reality?

Kyttanen: We can already do it. It‘s just a matter of time until some of these ideas are widespread and become common.

KH: 3-D printers will indeed influence people’s lives in the coming years. Can you pick the most significant change? How will our world differ in 10 years?

Kyttanen: When people discover that they can make just about anything they want, many will ask themselves the question: “Why make anything?”

As technology develops rapidly we are already asking the question “why own anything?” So the way that our perception of life changes could be the most significant change of all.

KH: Any message that you would pass on to young rookie designers who wish to go into 3-D printing?

Kyttanen: Steal from the ones who were here before you as much as possible. But don’t imitate!

By Bae Ji-sook(
