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Bieber is distant cousin of Gosling, Lavigne

Justin Bieber and Avril Lavigne at Brit Awards in London.
Justin Bieber and Avril Lavigne at Brit Awards in London.

Call it the Canadian dynasty of teenybopper pop and movie stardom.

Genealogists at say they‘ve discovered teen idol Justin Bieber is a distant cousin of movie star Ryan Gosling and singer Avril Lavigne. Their family link dates back to some of Quebec’s earliest settlers 400 years ago, the Utah-based company said Thursday.

As if Bieber didn‘t have enough superstar genes, also said he’s a distant relative of singer Celine Dion.

“The great thing about family history is that you never know what you‘re going to find,” said Michelle Ercanback, a researcher with “It was a very pleasant surprise.”

Ercanback said researchers began tracing Bieber’s family lineage about a year ago by paging through teen-idol magazines to find biographical tidbits from the pop star.

What they say they found was that Bieber and Gosling are 11th cousins once removed, and Bieber and Lavigne are 12th cousins. They share common relatives Mathurin Roy and Marguerite Bire, the researchers said. Both were born in France in the early 1600s, married in 1637, and moved to Quebec, where Roy worked as a master mason.

The genealogists also said Bieber and Dion are 10th cousins three times removed because they‘re linked to French couple Jacques Vezina and Marie Boisdon, who were born in the early 1600s. They moved to Quebec, where they died in 1687.

Ercanback said she didn’t know if these celebrity links are “sufficient to point to the existence of a superstar gene.”

In July, announced they had found that President Barack Obama could be the descendent of an African slave, after an examination of his white mother‘s family history. (AP)

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스타는 핏줄도 달라? '깜짝' 친척관계 공개

월드스타 저스틴 비버가 영화배우 라이언 고슬링, 가수 에이브릴 라빈과 친척관계라는 사실이 밝혀져 화제다.

이들의 혈연관계는 시기적으로는 400여년전, 지역적으로는 캐나다 퀘벡 지역까지 거슬러 올라간다고 미국 유타 주 소재 계보조사 기업인 엔세스트리닷컴(이 지난 목요일 밝혔다.

여기에 그치지 않고 저스틴 비버의 먼 친척 가운데는 가수 셀린 디온도 포함되어 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

엔세스트리닷컴의 연구팀은 저스틴 비버의 혈족 계보를 약 1년 전부터 여러 잡지 등 문헌정보를 통해 추적하기 시작했다.

발표에 따르면 저스틴 비버와 라이언 고슬링은 11촌 지간, 비버와 에이브릴 라빈은 12촌 지간인 것으로 나타났다. 이들은 1600년대 초반 프랑스 출신의 동일한 조상을 공유하고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다.

한편 앞선 지난 7월에 엔세스트리닷컴은 미국 대통령 버락 오바마의 백인 어머니 계보를 추적한 결과 그가 아프리카계 노예의 후손일 가능성이 있다는 주장을 제기해 화제를 모았다. (코리아헤럴드)