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Violinist Eugene Park opens up on rumors

Violinist Eugene Park discussed rumors about him in a documentary that aired Saturday, revealing that he suffers from bipolar disorder.

Last month, a photo of Park performing at a small local restaurant in a shabby outfit shocked his fans, coming just four years after he made headlines for being practically enslaved by his agency for five years.

Explaining the photo on Saturday, Park said that he was working at the restaurant of an acquaintance for his mother. 
Eugene Park (Screen capture from MBC’s “People are Good”)
Eugene Park (Screen capture from MBC’s “People are Good”)

He added, “My mother is sick. So I need money. I wanted to do anything to send her money.” Park added that it was not wrong to perform at a small venue.

Throughout the interview, Park showed a strong will to continue with his music. 

“I was popular in the ’90s. People say ‘Eugene Park is not as good as before; he is not that special anymore.’ But I still believe I am special,” he said.

Recently, he has been practicing hard for his upcoming concert “Eugene Park, Back to Classic” where he will be joined by his friends and colleagues on June 14 at the Busan Cinema Center.

By Suh Hye-rim (