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Japan's foreign ministry keeps Dokdo claim in annual policy report

This photo shows a Japanese high school textbook approved by the government on March 29, which lays territorial claim to South Korea‘s easternmost Dokdo islets. (Yonhap)
This photo shows a Japanese high school textbook approved by the government on March 29, which lays territorial claim to South Korea‘s easternmost Dokdo islets. (Yonhap)

TOKYO -- Japan's foreign ministry reiterated its assertion that Dokdo, a set of rocky islets in the East Sea, belong to the country in its first annual report on foreign policy and activities under the administration of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

The claim, strongly disputed by South Korea that has long maintained effective control of Dokdo with the permanent stationing of security personnel there, was included in the 2022 Diplomatic Bluebook that was reported to the Cabinet by Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi on Friday.

The islets are indisputably an inherent part of the territory of Japan in light of historical facts and based on international law, it read.

It added that South Korea has continued an "illegal occupation" of the area with no legal basis.

The expression "illegal occupation" has been used in the Bluebook since 2018.

South Korea has a firm and clear position that Dokdo is an integral part of Korean territory historically, geographically and under international law. Tokyo's sovereignty claim is a legacy of its imperialistic past, Seoul officials say. (Yonhap)
