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Venezuela investigates 11 baby deaths at hospital

Venezuelan prosecutors announced Tuesday they would investigate the deaths of 11 prematurely born infants in four days at a public hospital in the northern state of Aragua.

A newborn baby is being given a medication. (AP)
A newborn baby is being given a medication. (AP)

Bacterial contamination is suspected in the deaths.

A statement from the Venezuelan attorney general said prosecutors planned "an inspection of the neonatology service of Central Hospital of Maracay, with the goal of reviewing elements of criminal interest in the investigation related to the deaths of 11 infants" between Thursday and Sunday.

Preliminary information from health officials indicated the 11 babies "were premature with birth weights between 700 grams and 1,000 grams," which increases their risk of contracting disease, the statement said.

Prosecutors also seek court permission to inspect medical records and laboratory reports on the infants.

The laboratory reports are expected "to verify or not the presence of three types of bacteria known as Enterococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Kebsiella"

that could threaten the health of the newborns, the attorney general's office said. (AFP)


조산아 11명 한병원에서 돌연 사망

베네수엘라의 한 병원에서 4일 동안 신생 조산아 11명이 사망해 검찰이 조사에 나섰다 . 

당국은 북부 아라구아주에서 발생한 이 사건이 박테리아 감염에 의한 것으로 추정하고 있으나 범죄와의 관련 여부도 배제하지 않고 있다고 화요일 밝혔다.

베네수엘라 법무부 장관은 “이번 영아 사망 사건이 마라카이 중앙병원의 신생아 대상 서비스 및 범죄와 연관 있는지 조사하겠다”는 성명을 발표했다.

11명의 조산아는 출생시 체중이 700g 에서 1000g 사이였던 것으로 보아 병에 걸릴 확률이 높았을 것으로 보인다. 
