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KEPCO wins platinum on Vision Awards

The state-run Korea Electric Power Corp. won the Platinum Award at the “2014 Vision Awards Annual Report Competition,” the company said Thursday.

Vision Awards is a global award hosted by American communications organization League of American Communications Professionals, which assesses annual reports of corporations, public sector and nonprofit organizations around the world,

Over 1,000 organizations from 25 countries participated in this year’s competition, and KEPCO’s annual report was recognized for its design, format and clarity in expressing its key message.

KEPCO Annual report and 2014 Vision Awards certificate. KEPCO
KEPCO Annual report and 2014 Vision Awards certificate. KEPCO

KEPCO scored 99 points out of 100 and was selected as a Top 16 organization, the 4th highest in the Asia-Pacific region and the highest out of all participating Korean organizations.

KEPCO publishes an annual report to send a clear message about their organization to investors. This year’s award-winning annual report showed financial results for 2014 as well as progress in providing electricity in Korea, overseas businesses and developing new technology.

By Sang Youn-joo (
