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US sees possible cancer risk with breast implants

WASHINGTON (AP) _ U.S. government health officials said Wednesday they are investigating a possible link between breast implants and a very rare form of cancer, raising new questions about the safety of devices which have been scrutinized for decades.

Federal health officials said Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2011, they are investigating a possible link between breast implants and a very rare form of cancer after reviewing a handful of cases reported over the last 13 years. (Donna McWilliam/AP)
Federal health officials said Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2011, they are investigating a possible link between breast implants and a very rare form of cancer after reviewing a handful of cases reported over the last 13 years. (Donna McWilliam/AP)

The cancer, known as anaplastic large cell lymphoma, attacks lymph nodes and skin and has been reported in the scar tissue which grows around an implant. The Food and Drug Administration is asking doctors to report all cases of the cancer so the agency can better understand the association.

The agency is aware of just 60 cases of the disease worldwide among the estimated 5 million to 10 million women with breast implants. The agency reviewed the scientific literature going back to 1997 along with information provided by international governments and manufacturers.

Most of the cases were reported after patients sought medical care for pain, lumps, swelling and other problems around the surgical site.

Because the disease is so rare, FDA researchers suggested the issue may never be completely resolved.   

``A definitive study would need to collect data on hundreds of thousands of women for more than 10 years. Even then, causality may not be conclusively established,'' the agency said.

Still, the FDA said it is working with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to register patients with the cancer and track them over time.

Breast implants come in both saline and silicone-gel filled formulations and are marketed in the U.S. by Allergan Inc. and Johnson & Johnson's Mentor Corp. Those companies will be required to update the labeling for their products to reflect the cancer cases.

``Women should monitor their breast implants and contact their doctor if they notice any changes,'' the agency said in a statement.

 A handful of researchers have published papers on instances of anaplastic large cell lymphoma in breast implant patients. In the last three years, medical reviews of those studies have raised new questions about the link and prompted FDA's review.

The lymphoma is an aggressive form of cancer, and patients'survival varies widely between different varieties of the disease.

Chemotherapy is usually the first line of treatment and patients who have complete remission have gone on to live long, healthy lives.

Patients who relapse are usually treated with a bone marrow transplant and have a much lower rate of survival.

Wells Fargo analyst Larry Biegelsen, who covers the medical device industry, said the negative media coverage over the issue could hurt sales, though the FDA's investigation only reviews previously published studies.

``At this point, we do not expect breast implants to be removed from the market, but sales growth could be negatively impacted by the media coverage,'' Biegelsen said in a note to investors.

The FDA pulled silicone breast implants off the market in 1992, saying manufacturers had not provided medical data showing their safety and effectiveness. At the time, there were worries about a connection to a variety of diseases, including cancer and lupus. Alarming cases of ruptures added to the concern.

But in 2006 the agency returned the implants to the market after most studies failed to find a link between silicone breast implants and disease.

The approval came with conditions, including a requirement that the companies complete 10-year studies on women who have already received the implants to study leaks, as well conduct new decade-long studies of the safety of the devices in 40,000 women.

<관련 기사>

유방보형물, 희귀 암 위험

(워싱턴 AP=연합뉴스) 유방성형을 위해 삽입되는 유방보형물이 희귀한 형태의 암과 연관이 있을 수 있다고 미국식품의약국(FDA)이 26일 밝혔다.

FDA 의료장치-방사선건강실부실장 윌리엄 마이셀(William Maisel) 박사는 유방 보형물이 희귀한 형태의 면역체계 암인 역형성 대세포 림프종(ALCL: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma) 발생과 연관이 있는 것으로 의심된다고 밝혔다.

이 암은 림프절과 피부를 공격하는 암으로 유방보형물을 삽입한 부위 주변에서 자라는 상처조직인 반흔조직(scar tissue)에서 나타나고 있으며 지금까지 세계에서 모두 60명의 환자가 보고되었다고 마이셀 박사는 밝혔다.

대부분의 환자는 보형물 삽입수술 부위가 아프거나 붓거나 혹이 생겨 의사를 찾게 되었고 결국 ALCL 진단을 받았다.

ALCL 발생은 실리콘 젤이나 식염수 백 등 삽입한 보형물의 종류와 무관하게  나타났으며 단순성형이든 유방암으로 인한 유방절제 후 시행한 유방재건술이든 성형 이유와도 연관이 없었다.

FDA는 어떤 환자 그리고 어떤 종류의 보형물이 이러한 암 발생 위험과 연관이 있는지를 파악하기 위해 자료를 수집하고 있다고 밝히고 유방성형과 ALCL 사이의 연관성을 확인하기 위해서는 수 만 명의 유방성형 여성을 대상으로 10년 이상에 걸쳐 자료를 수집할 필요가 있다고 마이셀 박사는 말했다.

유방성형 보형물은 현재 미국의 앨러갠(Allergan) 사와 존슨 앤드 존슨의 멘토(Mentor) 사가 생산-판매하고 있으며 이 두 제약회사는 보형물이 ALCL과 연관이 있을수 있다는 내용을 라벨에 추가하도록 FDA로부터 요청을 받게 될 것으로 알려졌다.

유방보형물 중 실리콘 젤은 암과 루푸스 등 여러가지 질환과 연관이 있을 수 있다는 이유로 1992년 FDA에 의해 시장에서 퇴출되었다가 그 후 뚜렷한 부작용이 없다는 연구결과들이 나오자 2006년 다시 시장에 복귀했다.  

미국에서는 50만명 중 한 명꼴로 발생하는 희귀 암인 ALCL은 공격적인 형태의 암이지만 완치되는 경우도 있으며 재발하는 경우 방사선치료, 항암화학요법, 골수이식 등을 하게 된다.
