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Psychiatric evaluation finds Norway killer insane

Anders Behring
Anders Behring
OSLO, Norway (AP) — Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik was insane when he killed 77 people in a bomb and shooting rampage in Norway, and should be sent to a psychiatric ward instead of prison, prosecutors said Tuesday.

A psychiatric evaluation ordered by an Oslo court found that the self-styled anti-Muslim resistance fighter was psychotic during the July 22 attacks, the country's worst peacetime massacre — which means he's not mentally fit to be sentenced to prison, prosecutors told reporters.

The report, written by two psychiatrists who spent a total of 36 hours talking to Breivik, will be reviewed by a panel of forensic psychiatrists before the court makes a ruling on whether Breivik is legally insane.

Their conclusions contrasted with earlier comments by the head of that board, who told The Associated Press in July that it was unlikely that Breivik would be declared legally insane because the attacks were so carefully planned and executed.

"The conclusions of the forensic experts is that Anders Behring Breivik was insane," prosecutor Svein Holden said, adding Breivik was in a state of psychosis during the attacks.

In their report, the experts describe a man "who finds himself in his own delusional universe, where all his thoughts and acts are governed by these delusions," Holden said. "They conclude that Anders Behring Breivik during a long period of time has developed the mental disorder of paranoid schizophrenia, which has changed him and made him into the person he is today."

In Norway, an insanity defense requires that a defendant be in a state of psychosis while committing the crime with which he or she is charged. That means the defendant has lost contact with reality to the point that he's no longer in control of his own actions.

The 243-page report will be reviewed by a panel from the Norwegian Board of Forensic Medicine, which could ask for additional information and add its own opinions.

"That's interesting," the head of the panel, Dr. Tarjei Rygnestad, told the AP on Tuesday when asked to comment on the report's conclusions.

In July, Rygnestad said that a psychotic person typically struggles to perform even simple tasks like driving a car, and that the meticulous planning and skills required for Breivik's attacks spoke against psychosis.

On Tuesday, Rygnestad told AP that his earlier comments were based on "secondary information" and that a person's mental state can only be determined through in-depth analysis. He said he had not read the full report yet. But he maintained his assertion that psychotic people typically aren't able to carry out complex tasks that require intricate planning.

"Usually not. Then again, unusual things also happen," he said.

Breivik has confessed to carrying out the attacks but denies criminal guilt, saying he's a commander of a Norwegian resistance movement opposed to multiculturalism.

Investigators have found no sign of such a movement and say Breivik most likely plotted and carried out the attacks on his own.



노르웨이 살인마 '정신이상' 감옥 안갈듯

브레이비크, 감옥行 대신 평생 강제 치료 처분 지난 7월 노르웨이 오슬로 정부청사 폭탄테러와 우퇴위아 섬 총기난사 사건을 저질러 77명을 숨지게 한 아네르스 베링 브레이비크(32)가 `정신 이상'으로 판정됐다.

노르웨이 오슬로 법원의 의뢰로 진행된 정신감정에서 브레이비크는 `망상'과 `편집증적 정신분열증' 상태에 있는 것으로 판정됐다고 스베인 홀덴 검사가  29일(현지시간) 오슬로에서 기자회견을 열어 발표했다.

앞서 정신과 의사인 토르가이르 허스비와 시네 쇠르하임이 브베이비크와 36시간동안 상담한 내용을 바탕으로 작성한 243쪽의 보고서를 검찰에 제출했다고 AP통신 등 외신이 보도했다.

홀덴 검사는 "보고서에 따르면 브레이비크는 기괴한 망상에 사로잡혔고, 국민을 사랑하는 마음에서 살인 행각을 벌였다고 주장했다"고 말했다.

이 보고서가 법원 치료위원회의 승인을 받게 되면 브레이비크는 감옥에 수감되는 대신 평생 강제적인 정신 치료를 받게 된다.

하지만 법원의 심리와 유죄를 인정하는 법원의 선고 절차는 그대로 진행된다고 검찰 측은 밝혔다.

베제르 엥 검사는 "형사 사건 심판 절차에 의거해 법원은 브레이비크가 범죄 행위를 저질렀는지를 판결해야 한다"며 "정상적인 사람과 유일한 차이는 우리가 정상적인 범죄인에게 하는 징역형을 구형하지 못하는 것"이라고 말했다.

앞서 법원은 지난 14일 속개된 이번 사건 심리 공판에서 브레이비크의 격리 수용 기간을 12주 연장키로 결정했다. 이에 따라 그는 내년 2월 6일까지 격리 수용된다.

브레이비크에 대한 공판은 내년 4월 16일 속개될 예정이다.
