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Japan donor leaves 10 million yen gift in public toilet

TOKYO (AFP) - An anonymous donor has left a wad of cash worth $131,000 in a public toilet in Japan, with instructions it be used to help victims of the March earthquake and tsunami, an official said Thursday.

A plastic shopping bag, containing 10 million yen, was found on September

22 in a toilet for disabled people in the city hall of Sakado, a commuter town north of Tokyo, a city official told AFP.

The city will give the money to the Japanese Red Cross if the anonymous donor doesn't reclaim it within three months, city spokeswoman Masumi Sekiguchi said.

She said a hand-written note was attached to the cash, reading: "I'm all alone. I have no future so let the people in Tohoku use it."

Tohoku is the country's northeast region devastated by the catastrophe that killed 20,000 people and triggered an emergency at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

"There was no witness to the act and we cannot guess what kind of person has been involved," she said. "We were really surprised. We also feel thankful for such kindness."


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사카도시에 따르면 시 장애인복지과 남성 직원이 지난 22일 오후 1시45분께  시 청 장애인용 화장실에 들어갔다가 비닐봉지를 발견했다. 안에는 우편저금 표시가 적 힌 종이 띠로 묶은 1만엔권 1천 매와 함께 백지에 볼펜으로 적은 메모, 사카도시가 배포한 동일본대지진 의연금 호소문이 담겨 있었다.

사카도시는 나이 든 남성 시민이 동일본대지진 피해를 본 도호쿠 지방 사람들에 게 전해달라는 뜻에서 시청 화장실에 돈을 놓고 간 것으로 보고 있다.

시측은 관련 법상 소유권이 습득자에게 넘어가는 3개월간 돈을 보관했다가 이후 에 일본 적십자사에 보낼 예정이라고 신문은 전했다.
