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Longtime fugitive US hijacker caught in Portugal

NEWARK, New Jersey (AP) -- A 1970s militant who escaped from a murder sentence in New Jersey and carried out one of the most brazen hijackings in U.S. history was captured in Portugal after more than 40 years as a fugitive, authorities said Tuesday. After decades of stagnancy, there was a sudden break in the case when police matched his fingerprint to a resident ID card.

George Wright, 68, was arrested Monday by Portuguese authorities in a town near Lisbon at the request of the U.S. government, said a member of the fugitive task force that had been searching for him for nearly a decade.

Wright was convicted of the 1962 murder of a gas station owner in Wall, New Jersey. Authorities say Wright and three associates had already committed multiple armed robberies on Nov. 23, 1962, when he and another man shot and killed Walter Patterson, a decorated World War II veteran and father of two, during a robbery of the Collingswood Esso gas station in Wall.

Wright received a 15- to 30-year sentence and had served eight years when he and three other men escaped from the Bayside State Prison farm in Leesburg, New Jersey, on Aug. 19, 1970.

The FBI said Wright then became affiliated with an underground militant group, the Black Liberation Army, and lived in a “communal family” with several of its members in Detroit.

On July 31, 1972, Wright, dressed as a priest and using the alias the Rev. L. Burgess, hijacked a Delta Air Lines flight from Detroit to Miami accompanied by three men, two men and three small children from his communal group, including Wright's companion and their 2-year-old daughter, according to Associated Press reports at the time.

When the plane landed at the Miami airport, the hijackers demanded a $1 million ransom -- the highest of its kind at the time -- to free the 86 people on board. After an FBI agent delivered a 70-pound (32-kilogram) satchel full of money -- wearing only a pair of swim trunks, per the hijacker's instructions -- the passengers were released, according to AP accounts.

The hijackers then forced the plane to Boston, where an international navigator was taken aboard, and the group flew on to Algeria, where the hijackers sought asylum.

The group was taken in by Eldridge Cleaver, the American writer and activist, who had been permitted by Algeria's Socialist government to open an office of the Black Panther Movement in that country in 1970, after the Algerian president at the time professed sympathy for what he viewed as worldwide liberation struggles.

Algerian officials returned the plane and the money to the U.S. at the request of the American government, and briefly detained the hijackers before letting them stay. Coverage of the hijackers' stay in Algeria said their movements were restricted, and the president ignored their calls for asylum and requests to return them the ransom money.

The group eventually made its way to France, where Wright's associates were tracked down, arrested, tried and convicted in Paris in 1976. France refused to extradite them to the U.S., where they would have faced far longer prison sentences. According to news reports at the time, the defense hailed the light sentences they were given as “a condemnation of American racism” after the jury found “extenuating circumstances” in their actions, apparently agreeing with the defense's assertion that the hijacking had been motivated by “racial oppression in the United States.”

But Wright remained at large, and his case was among the top priorities when the New York-New Jersey Fugitive Task Force was formed in 2002, according to Michael Schroeder, a spokesman for the U.S. Marshals Service, who worked with New Jersey's FBI and other agencies on the task force.

The Department of Corrections brought along all its old escape cases nine years ago when the task force began operating, Schroeder said, and investigators started the case anew, never taking a prolonged break from working on it for the past nine years.

They looked at reports from the 1970s, interviewed Wright's victims and the pilots of the plane he hijacked. They had age-enhanced sketches made and tried to track down any communications he may have made with family in the U.S.

The address in Portugal was one of several on a list of places they wanted to check out. But Schroeder said there was nothing about it that made it seem especially promising. “It was another box to get checked, so to speak,” he said.

That changed last week, when details started falling into place with the help of authorities there.

“They have a national ID registry,” Schroeder said. “They pulled that. That confirmed his print matched the prints with the DOC. The sketch matched the picture on his ID card.”

By the weekend, U.S. authorities were on a plane to Portugal. And Monday, Portuguese police staking out his home found him.

Schroeder said he has not been told what, if anything, Wright said when he was caught.

Wright made an initial court appearance in Portugal on Tuesday, according to Justice Department Spokeswoman Laura Sweeney. He was arrested for purposes of extradition on the state of New Jersey's homicide charge, and would serve the remainder of his sentence on that charge if returned to the U.S.


<한글 기사>

40년 도피생활 美 탈옥수 포르투갈서 검거

살인과 강도 등의 혐의로 복역하다 탈옥한 뒤 항공기를 납치, 알제리로 달아나 40여년간 수사망을 피해 다녔던 미국인이 포르투갈 에서 체포됐다.

미 연방수사국(FBI) 뉴왁사무소는 27일(현지시간) "42년째 도주생활을 해온  조 지 라이트가 우리 측의 요청으로 어제 포르투갈 당국에 체포됐다"며 "미국 정부는 그가 잔여 형기를 채우도록 하기 위해 본국 송환을 추진하고 있다"고 밝혔다.

라이트의 전설적인 범행과 도피행각이 시작된 것은 50년 전으로 거슬러  올라간 다.

그는 1962년 11월23일 일당 3명과 함께 무기강도 행각을 벌이던 중 뉴저지의 한 주유소를 털다 2차대전 참전용사 출신인 주유소 주인을 총으로 쏴 죽였다.

범행 직후 체포된 라이트는 변호인의 조력 없이 징역 15∼30년을 선고받고 뉴저 지주 베이사이드 교도소에 복역하다 8년이 지난 1970년 8월19일 탈옥에 성공했다.

이후 2년간 아프리카 출신 흑인들의 공산주의운동 단체인 흑인해방운동(BLA)에 몸을 담았던 그는 1972년 7월31일 동료 4명과 함께 디트로이트발 마이애미행 델타항 공 소속 비행기를 납치하고는 승객 86명을 석방하는 조건으로 100만달러를 요구했다 .

당시 29세였던 그는 항공기를 타기 위해 신부로 위장했으며, 이들이 요구한 몸값은 당시로서는 최대 규모였다.

FBI 측으로부터 몸값을 챙긴 이들은 승객들을 내보낸 뒤 조종사를 위협, 보스턴으로 날아가 급유를 받고는 다시 대서양 너머 알제리로 가서 망명을 요청했다.

알제리 정부는 항공기와 몸값을 압수해 미국으로 돌려보냈지만 라이트를 포함한 납치범들은 미국으로 송환하지 않고 잠시 구금했다가 석방했다.

이후 세인들의 기억에서 잊혀졌던 이들은 1976년 5월 다시 언론의 헤드라인을 장식하게 된다. 5명의 공범 중 4명이 파리에서 프랑스 경찰에 체포됐던 것. 하지만 그때도 라이트는 여전히 행방이 묘연한 상태였다.

마이클 워드 FBI 뉴욕사무소장은 "라이트 검거는 법집행의 집요함을 보여주는 대표적 사례"라며 "범인 추적에 대한 의지는 시간이나 거리로 인해 결코 줄어들지 않는다"고 강조했다. (연합뉴스)

