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Actress Koo speaks up: ‘It is their life’

Koo Hye-sun (The Korea Herald)
Koo Hye-sun (The Korea Herald)
Actress Koo Hye-sun broke her silence Thursday following fast-spreading talk of her romantic relationship with legendary musician Seo Tai-ji. 

She declined to confirm the rumor, just saying that she wishes Seo and his former wife, actress E Ji-ah, would smoothly settle their legal dispute that followed their divorce in 2009.

“I have been just watching quietly and praying as it seemed to be a story happening in a faraway world,” she said on Twitter.

She expressed misgivings about their private life being disclosed in the wake of the scandalous quarrel, which sent shock waves through the nation last week.

“It is their life and we should recognize it,” she said.

She asked the public to refrain from prying into their personal life and help them conclude the matter well.

Her remark came one day after a rumor began to circulate that Seo, 39, is currently dating Koo, 27, and that they plan to marry soon. Originating from newsletters among stock brokers, the tittle-tattle has it that the alleged love affair prompted his former wife to file a suit seeking compensation.

Koo avoided mentioning her relationship with Seo. But her agency YG Entertainment flatly denied the rumour as “totally groundless” Wednesday.

It was alleged that Seo and Koo met through Yang Hyun-seok, former member of Seo Taiji & Boys and now head of YG Entertainment.

Yang said the two have never met.

“It is a groundless rumor and makes no sense at all,” he was quoted as saying by a local entertainment media outlet.

Reports of Seo and Lee’s secretive marriage and legal battle became known to the public last week.

By Cho Chung-un


<한글 기사>

구혜선 입은 열었지만... '두분의 일은 두분이서만'

배우 구혜선이 최근 터진 서태지와의 루머에 대해 직접 입을 열었다.
구혜선은 28일 새벽 자신의 트위터에 “너무 먼 세상 이야기인 것 같아 조용히 기도하는 입장이었다”며
“두 분의 일은 두 분이서만. 잘 마무리 지을 수 있도록 우리 모두가 마음으로 도와야하지 않나 생각해 본다”라는 글을 남겼다.
구혜선은 서태지의 새로운 연인이며 서와 배우 이지아 이혼의 실질적인 원인을 제공했다는 루머 속 당사자로 지목됐었다.
지난 27일 오전 이른바 증권가 찌라시에 “양현석의 소개로 서태지와 구혜선이 알게 됐고 이후 서태지와 구혜선은 연인 관계를 유지, 이지아와의 결별에 영향을 미쳤다”는 내용의 루머가 인터넷 등을 통해 급격히 확산되어 다시한번 네티즌을 놀라게 하기도.
이에 대해 구혜선 소속사인 YG엔터테인먼트 측은 “사실무근, 헛소리”라며 “소위 말하는 찌라시일뿐. 대응 가치도 없다”고 일축했다.
