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Man fired for washing himself with own urine

VIENNA (AP) --  A famed Austrian museum has fired an employee for washing his hands and face with his urine.

Alfred Zoppelt says he was fired after 23 years of working as an attendant at the Belvedere, a castle in Vienna with a major art works. He says his adherence to urine therapy was previously ``never a problem.‘’

Zoppelt, 57, said Thursday his notice from Belvedere says he was fired because ``you regularly rub urine into your skin, particularly the face and hands. With this, you soil your place of work ... and threaten the health of your co-workers.‘’

A woman answering the Belvedere press department phone confirmed that Zoppelt was fired but refused to give her name or further information.

Believers in urine therapy claim medical and cosmetic benefits but these have not been proven.



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소변으로 얼굴 닦는 남자.. 왜?

오스트리아의 한 박물관에서 자신의 소변으로 손과 얼굴을 닦는 직원을 해고했다.

57세의 알프레드 조펠트는 23년간 비엔나에 위치한 벨베데레 궁전에서 일해왔으며 그가 소변 테라피에 애착을 갖는 것이 한번도 문제가 되지 않았다고 말했다.

그는 벨베데레 궁으로부터 “소변을 얼굴과 손에 부비는 행동은 동료들의 건강을 해치고 직장환경을 오염시킨다”는 이유와 함께 해고를 통보 받았다. 

몇몇 사람들은 소변 테라피가 의학적이며 미용 효과도 있다고 주장하지만 아직까지 입증된 바 없다.
