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Humane prison awaits Norwegian mass killer

Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is likely to serve his jail term in one of the world’s best equipped and most “humane” prisons, according to news reports.

Breivik has been accused of a shooting that killed 68 people and a bomb explosion that killed eight in Oslo.

With rehabilitation instead of punishment being a guiding principle, the Norwegian penal system is the cushiest in the world. 
A couple look at tributes outside the Oslo Cathedral in Oslo, in memory of the victims of Friday's bomb attack and shooting rampage, Norway, Thursday, July 28, 2011. (AP-Yonhap News)
A couple look at tributes outside the Oslo Cathedral in Oslo, in memory of the victims of Friday's bomb attack and shooting rampage, Norway, Thursday, July 28, 2011. (AP-Yonhap News)

Capital punishment does not exist and the longest jail term allowed is 21 years.

Breivik is likely to end up in Halden Prison, Norway’s second-largest and most secure prison which features flat-screen televisions, mini-fridges and large windows in private cells.

Given the gravity and brutality of his crime, the “most humane” prison which was purposely built to avoid an “institutional feeling” may be hard to justify.

However, a Norwegian prison official denied the need for harsher prison conditions, stating, “Both society and the individual simply have to put aside their desire for revenge, and stop focusing on prisons as places of punishment and pain,” the Daily Mail reported.

By Jung Eun-jung
Intern reporter
Edited by Rob York

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