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Late actress was forced to provide sexual favors to 31 figures

A late rookie actress, who committed suicide in March 2009 after accusing her talent agency chief of abusing her, claimed in her posthumous letters disclosed by broadcaster SBS on Sunday that she was forced to entertain and provide sex services to 31 people about one hundred times.

SBS disclosed letters supposedly written by the late actress Jang Ja-yeon claiming the sexual services she had to offer to 31 people about one hundred times. (Yonhap News)
SBS disclosed letters supposedly written by the late actress Jang Ja-yeon claiming the sexual services she had to offer to 31 people about one hundred times. (Yonhap News)

Jang Ja-yeon, 30 years old at the time of her death, hanged herself at her house in Bundang, southern Seoul, in March 2009, leaving a suicide note that accused her agent of forcing her to attend drinking parties and to provide sexual favors to high-profile entertainment figures and journalists.

The agent, identified only as Kim, was arrested in July of the same year on charges of assaulting, threatening and coercing Jang to serve men at drinking parties and have sex with them. Kim drew a one-year jail term last year.

According to more than 50 "diary-like" letters allegedly written by Jang before her death and sent to her acquaintances, she claimed to have been forced to attend drinking parties for and offer sexual favors to 31 individuals, including heads of private enterprises and officials of news organizations, about 100 times.

In those letters, Jang expressed frustration and resentment over her circumstances, calling the 31 people "demons."

Some of the 31 figures were investigated by police in 2009 but were all acquitted.

The case grew into a sensational scandal over who was on "Jang's list" and prompted financial watchdogs to launch an investigation into contracts between celebrities and their agencies, long criticized as "enslaving" the fledgling stars.

According to police, Kim also forced other female entertainers, who were contracted with his agency, to serve at parties and even on an overseas golf tour.

(Yonhap News)

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SBS "故 장자연 자필편지 입수"

SBS '8뉴스'는 6일 "2009년 자살한 탤런트 故장자연이 남긴 자필편지 50여통을 입수했다"며 "고인은 편지에서 31명을 100번 넘게 접대했다고 밝혔다"고 전했다.

'8뉴스'는 "고인이 한 지인에게 보낸 이 편지에는 무명의 신인 여배우에게 강요 됐던 연예계의 추한 뒷모습이 담겨 있다"며 "이 편지들을 장 씨 본인이 작성했는지 확인하기 위해 공인 전문가에게 필적 감정을 의뢰했으며 장 씨의 필체가 맞다는 결과를 얻었다"고 보도했다.

또한 "고인은 자신이 접대한 상대가 31명이라며 이들의 직업을 기록했고 100번 넘게 접대에 끌려나갔다고 썼다"며 "고인은 '접대에서 벗어날 방법이 없다'면서 자신이 죽은 뒤 복수해달라고까지 호소했다"고 덧붙였다.

'8뉴스'는 "경찰이 수사의 핵심단서가 될 이 편지의 존재를 알고 있으면서도 조사를 하지 않아 진상 은폐 의혹이 불거지게 됐다"고 주장했다.

'8뉴스'는 장씨 사건에 대한 수사가 진행 중이던 2009년 3월 장씨의 지인이 장씨의 친필 편지를 옮겨 적은 내용을 언론사에 제보를 했고 당시 보도 직후 경찰이 수사에 나서긴 했지만 경찰은 압수수색 등을 통해 편지를 확보하려는 노력을 하지 않고 장씨의 편지는 날조됐다고 공식 발표했다고 전했다.

SBS는 이 보도가 나간 후 "민감한 사안이기 때문에 편지를 공개하는 것은 물론, 어떠한 것도 확인해줄 수 없다"고 밝혔다.

