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Questions arise over FBI terror profile

LONDON (AP) -- The FBI's most-wanted list features a dated black-and-white photograph for the man wanted in connection with the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. Saif al-Adel, reads the glaring red banner, alias Muhammad Ibrahim Makkawi.

But intelligence officials and people who say they know al-Adel and Makkawi tell The Associated Press that they are two different men.

In the wake of Osama bin Laden's death, AP reporters around the globe began hunting for fresh details on al-Adel _ al-Qaida's so-called third man because of his strategic military experience. Traversing a reporting trail that spanned from Europe to Egypt and from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, a new picture started to emerge about the al-Adel investigation: that the FBI's manhunt dragged in the name of a one-time jihadist turned vocal al-Qaida critic who now can't get his name off the wanted list.

Intelligence officials from five countries and a handful of sources who say they knew the men personally over the years confirmed to the AP that al-Adel and Makkawi were two distinct people. Some of those sources came forward with two photographs that show two different men.

``That is certainly not Makkawi,'' Montasser el-Zayat, a lawyer who represented Makkawi in Egypt, told the AP after looking at the FBI's photo of al-Adel.

In emails seen by the AP, a man who identifies himself as Makkawi says he has tried several times to clear his name but to no avail.

In response to several questions, the FBI declined specific comment last week on whether it was possible the information it had been using was bad or dated. However, on Wednesday the FBI defended its characterization of al-Adel.

``It is fair to say that a.k.a.'s/alias known to the FBI and used by subjects listed on our Most Wanted site or for that matter for any individual being sought by law enforcement, can also be the names of true individuals,'' said FBI spokeswoman Kathleen R. Wright.

She said the FBI was confident the man on the poster was al-Adel, but offered no immediate redress for Makkawi over the possible use of his name on the poster.

``The distinction in this case is such that we have a photo and other identifiers that distinguish one individual from another,'' Wright said in an email.

She said al-Adel, like other suspects on the 'most wanted' list, was indicted by a U.S. grand jury. However, the original documents in al-Adel's case remain sealed, making it all but impossible for the public to see where the FBI obtained its original evidence or the basic details about al-Adel's identity.

The description of al-Adel highlights the questionable intelligence that often goes into profiles of top suspects by the world's intelligence services.

Many of the profiles are based on information obtained from captives under duress or worse. Some bits come from unreliable sources. Other tips are never verified.

On the surface, some may ask why the world should care _ one man is a jihadist with a $5 million bounty on his head; the other a former jihadist turned al-Qaida critic. But the case raises a number of important questions about the accuracy of FBI profiles and how stale or misleading intelligence could hamper searches. Even with fairly good leads, it took U.S. authorities more than a decade to find bin Laden.

Al-Adel's profile, for example, was posted in October 2001 when the FBI ``Most Wanted Terrorist'' list was created _ just a month after the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Although some of the descriptive details may be old, the FBI says the details are still accurate and relevant.

``We have no information there have been any significant errors regarding the individuals in which we are seeking the public's assistance in locating,'' the FBI said.

Yet since 9/11, dozens of people have been wrongly mistaken for suspected terrorists because of faulty or spotty intelligence.

A German man snatched by the CIA in Macedonia and tortured at a secret prison in Afghanistan is suing Macedonia for his ordeal after U.S. courts rejected his case on the grounds that it could reveal government secrets. The man says he was kidnapped from Macedonia in 2003, apparently mistaken for a terror suspect.

A Canadian engineer who was also caught up in the U.S. government's secret transfer of terror suspects to ghost sites was deported to Syria when he was mistaken for a terrorist as he changed planes in New York on his way home. The Supreme Court refused to hear his case against top Bush administration officials.

``You are going to have good intelligence and bad intelligence, but the problem is when that bad intelligence is used to charge and detain people or to build cases against others,'' said Ben Wizner, the American Civil Liberties Union attorney representing Khaled el-Masri, the German who was sent to a secret prison and, according to Wizner, has suffered because of the trauma. ``This faulty intelligence and disregard for the legal process has damaged and disrupted the lives of innocent people.''

It is unclear exactly how Makkawi's life has been affected. The former Egyptian army officer who worked in a counterterrorism unit has yet to come forward and did not respond to several emails sent by the AP.

Still, in May a man who identified himself as Makkawi sent a handful of emails to journalists and commentators, saying he had been mistaken for al-Adel. In one email to the pan-Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, which publishes an English edition in London, he claimed he was a colonel in the Egyptian army, has long been an opponent of al-Qaida and other jihadist groups and has been mistaken for al-Adel ever since settling down in Pakistan.

He says he and his family have been branded enemies of both the United States and al-Qaida _ an unenviable position.

In an earlier message to the newspaper in July 2010, the same man criticized al-Qaida and Pakistan: ``There is an immoral extortion campaign against the U.S. and its allies and the Islamic movement being led by Pakistan, for its own motives. Pakistan has all of these international terrorists in its hands.''

Pakistani authorities have said they have no knowledge of Makkawi's whereabouts.

In a third email sent to a London commentator and seen by the AP, the man said he and his family had survived multiple assassination attempts in Pakistan. He also says he appealed to officials in the Bush administration to clear his name, but without success.

The email is full with basic biographical data _ the man says he graduated from the Egyptian Military Academy in 1972, refused to participate in a war against Libya in 1977 and claims he was eventually viewed as a traitor by Egyptian authorities.

It is easy enough to understand how the FBI might have thought Makkawi was simply an alias for al-Adel.

A tip may have come from a detainee at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, who told investigators he met with a ``Muhammad Ibrahim Makkawi, aka (al-Adel),'' according to secret documents released by WikiLeaks. Others who say they know both men say al-Adel might intentionally be using Makkawi's name as revenge for Makkawi's pointed criticism of al-Qaida and other jihadist groups.

But photographs provided to the AP by people who say they knew both al-Adel and Makkawi show two different men. The FBI's photo of al-Adel shows a slender man with thin hair, full lips and delicate features; a picture of Makkawi _ which does not appear on the FBI poster _ shows a stout man with a round face, bulbous nose and thick, curly hair.

Noman Benotman, a former jihadist with links to al-Qaida and now an analyst at the London-based Quilliam Foundation, says he has met both al-Adel and Makkawi.

Describing Makkawi as ``well-educated, short-fused and unpredictable,'' Benotman said the last time he saw Makkawi was in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, around 1994.

Benotman said the last time he saw al-Adel was in 2000 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He said he was impressed with his knowledge of military strategy and country profiles.

``The big difference between them is that Makkawi hates al-Qaida, hates these jihadist groups, and in particular hates the Egyptian jihadist groups where Zawahiri came from,'' said Benotman, referring to the Egyptian eye doctor who has succeeded bin Laden as head of the terror network.

Both al-Adel and Makkawi are Egyptian, reportedly served in the Egyptian army and were accused of links to jihadist groups.

But Makkawi reportedly severed all ties with extremist groups after growing disillusioned with their goals and strategies.

Specializing in counterterrorism operations, Makkawi was one of several army officers accused in 1987 of forming a jihadist group. Although he was released without charge after six months in jail, he was sacked from his army job and struggled to find consistent work afterward. In 1988, he reportedly sued the Egyptian interior ministry and demanded compensation. When the suit failed, he went to see family in Saudi Arabia, then went to Afghanistan, and eventually settled in Pakistan.

Two British officials, who spoke to AP on condition of anonymity because they aren't authorized to discuss intelligence matters, confirmed that Makkawi is a different man from al-Adel and said he is not wanted as a terror suspect by the British government. Britain has no such public ``most wanted'' terrorist list.

``Makkawi is a different man to el-Adel,'' one of the officials said.

El-Zayat, Makkawi's lawyer in the 1987 case, also told the AP the men were two different people and that al-Adel's real name is Mohammed Salah Zidan.

There is no mention of the name ``Mohammed Salah Zidan'' on al-Adel's profile.

Yasser el-Siri, founder of the Islamic Marsad Center in London _ a research center for Islamic and jihadist affairs _ said he met Makkawi in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca between 1989 and 1990.

He also offered some key differences in the men's lives.

Al-Adel was born in the 1960s, is tall, comes from the Nile Delta and married the daughter of a well-known Egyptian journalist-turned-jihadist, Abouel Walid, who was editor-in-chief of The Islamic Emirate magazine, an extremist publication, el-Siri said. The editor was one of an early generation of jihadists who fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Western intelligence officials believe al-Adel is living in Iran but travels frequently to Pakistan and Afghanistan. He was a reservist in the Egyptian army.

Makkawi, who was born in the 1950s, also comes from the Nile Delta but had a Saudi father and Egyptian mother. He graduated from military college in 1972, became a lieutenant and then joined the special forces. He is reportedly short compared al-Adel.

Makkawi joined jihadist groups in Afghanistan but then criticized them for their poor tactics and planning, describing their battles as ``the war of the goats.''

It is unclear when al-Adel formally joined al-Qaida or an affiliate, but he is thought to be one of the group's most experienced military strategists. Prior to the U.S. Embassy bombings, he allegedly had a hand in operations against U.S. forces who entered Somalia in 1993 in an attempt to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid and some of his top lieutenants. In the end, 18 U.S. troops died in the operation.

On the surface, the truth is still unclear.

The shadowy world of intelligence has long been built on knowns and unknowns, truths and half-truths and spider webs of good, bad and old information that can take years before it is investigated, if at all. New leads often eclipse old information even as that old data lives on.

``Intelligence is a business like anything else,'' Bob Ayers, a former U.S. intelligence officer, told the AP.

``When the Sept. 11 terror attacks hit, the intelligence community wasn't prepared. It scurried around and it tried to make do. Old leads should and could be followed up if there were enough resources, but it's unlikely you're going to shut your best analysts in a dark room for months just so they can investigate information that is sometimes 10 years old.''

Richard Barrett, a U.N. representative responsible for monitoring al-Qaida and the Taliban, also confirmed to the AP that the FBI mistakenly identified al-Adel as Makkawi and _ importantly _ neglected to say on his profile that al-Adel's real name, according to people in the intelligence community, is thought to be Mohammed Salah Zidan.

``We have no information that Makkawi is one of the aliases that Saif is using, so it's a question-mark why that name is on the FBI list,'' said another European security official speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to talk publicly about the issue.

Officials at Egypt's newly established National Security apparatus, which is now the gatekeeper of all documents and records related to the Islamic jihadists, declined to provide any details or information about al-Adel or Makkawi.

The new body is replacing Egypt's State Security apparatus, which was dissolved after the toppling of Hosni Mubarak.

Social networking sites, meanwhile, were bubbling with people claiming to be the real Saif al-Adel. None has claimed to be the real Makkawi yet.

Although the FBI says it has only listed Makkawi as one of al-Adel's aliases _ not necessarily mistaken him for al-Adel _ it is not entirely clear how someone gets off the FBI's 'most wanted' list, even if the name is just the alias, not the face, on the poster.

``The individuals listed on the FBI Most Wanted Terrorist page will remain wanted in connection with their alleged crimes until such time as they have been arrested, charges are dropped or when credible physical evidence is obtained, which proves with 100 percent accuracy, that they are deceased,'' the FBI said.



美테러범 정보 부실..`생사람' 잡는다

(런던 AP=연합뉴스) 미국 연방수사국(FBI) 등 정보기관들이 추적 중인 테러리스 트 프로파일의 신뢰성에 의문이 일고 있다.

심지어 테러와 아무런 관련이 없는 무고한 사람들이 체포돼 고초를 겪는 등 정 보기관의 불확실한 정보로 인한 인권침해 사례도 잇따라 드러나고 있다.

당장, 알 카에다의 새 지도자로 알려진 이집트 출신의 사이프 알 아델의 경우 무함마드 이브라힘 마카위라는 다른 이름으로 FBI의 1급 지명수배 명단에 올려져 있 지만 AP 통신 취재 결과 동일 인물이 아닌 것으로 파악되고 있다.

이집트에서 마카위를 변호했던 몬타세르 엘 자야트는 AP 기자로부터 FBI 테러범 명단에 내걸린 알 아델 사진을 보고 "확실히 마카위가 아니다"고 말했다.

AP 통신 취재에 응한 영국 등 5개국 정보기관 관리와 소식통들은 알 아델과 마 카위가 동일인물이 아니라고 확인했으며, 이들 소식통 중 일부는 서로 다른 사람임 을 보여주는 사진 2장을 제시하기도 했다.

익명을 요구한 2명의 영국 정보기관 관리는 "마카위는 알 아델과 다른 인물이며 영국 정부에선 테러 용의자로 수배돼 있지 않다"고 말했다.

이미 지난달에는 자신을 마카위라고 밝힌 이집트 예비역 대령이 언론들에 이메 일을 보내 전역 후 파키스탄에 정착한 뒤 알 아델로 오인받았다고 주장했다.

군 시절 알 카에다 등 테러단체 소탕에 참여했다는 그는 현재 자신이 미국과 알 카에다 모두에게 적이 된 상태라고 하소연했다.

이슬람 문제 연구기관인 `이슬람 마르사드 센터' 설립자인 야셰르 엘 시리는 런 던에서 AP 통신 기자와 만나 자신이 1989년과 1990년 사이에 사우디아라비아 메카에 서 마카위와 만났다면서 그와 알 아델은 나이와 출신 등 여러 면에서 다르다고 말했 다.

미국 정보기관의 인물 정보를 둘러싸고 진위 논란이 이는 것은 정보의 출처부터 조악하기 때문인 것으로 분석되고 있다.

테러범 프로파일의 상당수는 포로들로부터 수집된 정보에 근거하고 있는데, 그 들 제보 중 일부는 신뢰할 수 없거나 전혀 검증되지 않은 것이라는 게 전문가들의 주장이다.

엉터리 정보로 인해 테러범으로 의심받아 고통을 겪는 피해사례도 잇따라 드러 났다.

한 독일 남성은 마케도니아에서 미 중앙정보부(CIA) 요원에게 붙잡혀 아프가니 스탄의 비밀감옥에서 고문을 당했으나 마케도니아 정부를 상대로 소송을 제기했다.

미국 법원이 재판 과정에서 국가 기밀이 공개될 수 있다며 소를 기각했기 때문이다.

상황이 이런데도 FBI는 29일 신뢰할 수 있는 명백한 증거가 나오지 않는 한 테러범 명단은 유지될 것이란 태도를 보였다.

