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Ill penguin stranded in NZ is offered a lift home

A emperor penguin stands nearby a truck that will transfer it to Wellington Zoo, on Kapiti Coast, some 60 km north of Wellington, New Zealand, on Saturday. (Xinhua-Yonhap News)
A emperor penguin stands nearby a truck that will transfer it to Wellington Zoo, on Kapiti Coast, some 60 km north of Wellington, New Zealand, on Saturday. (Xinhua-Yonhap News)
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) _ A young emperor penguin stranded in New Zealand has survived two medical procedures and now has an offer of a lift home.

   Yet the aquatic bird that many are calling Happy Feet _ after the lighthearted 2006 movie _ is not out of danger yet. The penguin remained on an intravenous drip Saturday and faces another procedure Monday to remove more sand from its digestive system.

   If it does pull through, a businessman wants to take it by boat to Antarctica next February.

   Happy Feet arrived on Peka Peka Beach, about 40 miles (65 kilometers) northwest of Wellington, last Monday, the first time in 44 years that an emperor penguin has been spotted in the wild in New Zealand. Typically, emperors spend their entire lives in and around Antarctica.

   At first Happy Feet seemed fine, but as the week progressed, the bird became more lethargic. It ate a lot of sand, apparently mistaking it for snow, which emperor penguins eat in Antarctica to hydrate themselves during the frozen winters.

   By Friday, conservation officials decided its condition had worsened to the point that it would likely die without intervention. So they transported the penguin in a tub of ice to the Wellington Zoo.

   Zoo spokeswoman Kate Baker said the bird was put on anesthesia for 2 1/2 hours Friday while veterinarians flushed its throat and stomach with water to remove sand. A second procedure on Saturday was more of the same, yet the penguin's digestive system still remained clogged.

   Baker said staff want to give the bird a break Sunday but plan a third flushing procedure Monday. The bird remained on an intravenous drip Saturday to help it rehydrate.

   New Zealand investment adviser Gareth Morgan, who is leading an expedition to Antarctica next February, on Saturday offered Happy Feet a trip home aboard a Russian icebreaker. But it would not be for another eight months.

   ``Of course until that time Happy Feet will have to be cared for here in Wellington, where we're lucky enough to have a great community of wildlife experts, capable not just of pumping sand but also ensuring this wayfaring fellow is hosted appropriately until it's time to set sail,'' Morgan wrote on his website.

   ``A sea passage is far more akin to the animal's natural rite of passage across the Southern Ocean than any trip in a Globelifter jet might be, with no risk of deep vein thrombosis,'' Morgan added jokingly.

   Whether officials choose to take Morgan up on his offer may depend on Happy Feet's health.

   Peter Simpson, a program manager for New Zealand's Department of Conservation, said earlier in the week that there was a chance the bird might have picked up a disease in warmer climes which staff wouldn't want to introduce back into the Antarctic colony.

   If a trip back to the Antarctic doesn't pan out, there's always the offer of a more sheltered life.

   Lauren DuBois, assistant curator of birds at SeaWorld in San Diego, which has the only colony of emperor penguins in North America, said SeaWorld would be willing to step in and help. Thirty birds live there in a 25-degree Fahrenheit (minus 4 Celsius) habitat that simulates Antarctica, with up to 5,000 pounds (2,270 kilograms) of snow blown in every day.

   Estimated to be about 10 months old, Happy Feet probably was born during the last Antarctic winter and may have been searching for squid and krill when it got lost. Experts haven't yet determined whether it is male or female.

   The rare venture north captured the public's imagination, with school groups, sightseers and news crews coming to the beach to see the penguin and photograph it from a distance.

   The amazing journey of emperors, the tallest and largest species of penguin, to breeding grounds deep in the Antarctic was chronicled in the 2005 documentary ``March of the Penguins,'' which highlighted their ability to survive _ and breed _ despite the region's brutal winters.

<길 잃은 남극 펭귄, 건강악화로 동물원 신세>

    (웰링턴<뉴질랜드> AP=연합뉴스) 남극에서 2천마일(3천200㎞) 떨어진 뉴질랜드 해안가로 떠내려 온 황제펭귄이 눈 대신 모래를 먹다 건강악화로 동물원 신세를  지 게 됐다.

    25일 뉴질랜드 야생동물 보호기관 관계자들에 따르면 황제펭귄 한 마리가  뉴질 랜드 북섬 페카페카 해변에 모습을 드러낸 것은 지난달 말께.

    이 지역에서 44년 만에 관찰된 황제펭귄은 남극에서 먹이를 찾다 길을 잃고  떠 내려 온 것으로 추정됐지만, 당국은 일단 펭귄이 건강한 것으로 판단하고 별도의 조 치를 취하지 않았다.

    그러나 영상 10도를 오르내리는 '무더위'에 지친 펭귄은 열사병과 탈수 증세를 보이기 시작했고, 결국 이날 얼음 욕조에 실린 채 동물원으로 옮겨졌다.

    특히 남극에 사는 황제펭귄은 수분 보충과 체온 유지를 위해 눈을 먹지만, 뉴질 랜드에서 눈을 찾을 수 없었던 이 펭귄은 그동안 모래와 나뭇가지로 배를 채운 것으 로 알려졌다.

    동물원으로 옮겨진 펭귄은 정맥주사를 맞고 뱃속에서 모래를 빼내는 치료를  받 고 있다.

    하지만 이 펭귄의 미래는 아직 불투명하다.

    뉴질렌드에는 황제펭귄을 장기적으로 보호할만한 시설이 없는데다, 이 펭귄을 남극까지 데려다 줄 운송 수단도 마땅치 않다.

    게다가 펭귄이 따뜻한 바닷물 속을 헤엄치면서 질병에 감염됐을 가능성이 있어 무작정 남극으로 되돌려 보낼 수도 없는 상황이다.

    미국 캘리포니아주(州) 샌디에이고의 '시월드'에서 조류 큐레이터로 일하는  로 렌 뒤부아씨는 황제펭귄이 영상의 날씨에서는 스트레스를 많이 받게 될 것이라며 황 제펭귄 군락이 있는 시월드에서 이 펭귄에게 도움을 줄 준비가 돼 있다고 말했다.
