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Headley: Militant had targeted Lockheed Martin

 CHICAGO (AP) _ An American admitted terrorist who is the government's star witness in the trial of a Chicago businessman accused in the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks said Tuesday that another militant with ties to al-Qaida had once plotted to attack U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin.

David Coleman Headley, who has pleaded guilty to laying the groundwork in the three-day massacre that left more than 160 dead in India's largest city, testified for five days in the trial of his longtime friend, Tahawwur Rana, in exchange for avoiding the death penalty and extradition.

Rana has pleaded not guilty to accusations that he provided Headley cover as the Pakistani-American conducted surveillance in India before the attacks. Rana, a Canadian national who has lived in Chicago for years and owns an immigration services business, has pleaded not guilty.

A scene from
A scene from "Iron Man"

Though Rana is on trial, it was Headley's testimony that was closely watched for any clues in the fight against global terrorism, especially in the wake of the May 2 killing of Osama bin Laden by U.S. forces outside Pakistan's capital city and amid suspicions that the country's government may have known or helped hide the former al-Qaida leader.

On Tuesday, Headley told jurors that in August 2009, he used one of Rana's work computers in Chicago to begin researching details about Lockheed Martin and its CEO for Ilyas Kashmiri, a Pakistani terrorist leader who has ties to al-Qaida.

``He had people who had conducted surveillance,'' Headley said of Kashmiri.

Headley said Kashmiri was angry over the U.S. drone attacks inside Pakistan and wanted to target the defense contractor. Kashmiri leads the militant group Harakat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, which has launched attacks in India and Pakistan, including a 2006 suicide bombing against the U.S. consulate in Karachi that killed four people, according to the State Department.

Headley did not provide details about the plot, which was not carried out, but said Rana did not know about it.

Rana's defense attorneys have tried to discredit Headley, who spent days detailing for prosecutors how he took orders from the Pakistani intelligence agency, known as the ISI, and Lashkar-e-Taiba, the militant group blamed in the Mumbai attacks. Headley also has pleaded guilty to plotting an attack against a Danish newspaper that in 2005 printed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, which angered many Muslims. Rana also is charged in that plot, which was never carried out.

The defense's main focus has been to portray Headley as a liar who has lived multiple lives. Attorneys have asked Headley to detail how he worked as an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration after two heroin convictions while also first becoming involved with Lashkar.

Under defense questioning, Headley has admitted that he lied in his initial statements to law enforcement when he said Rana had no knowledge of his plans. On Tuesday he admitted that he had sought a psychiatrist for a ``mixed personality disorder'' diagnosis, but did not disclose that treatment when asked by the judge in the case. He also acknowledged that he omitted details about his second wife when he spoke to his first wife.

Defense attorneys showed clips of Headley's initial statement to investigators, which showed a stark contrast to the man who has been speaking in a soft and nearly monotonous voice while appearing unaffected by days of questioning. In the video, a visibly agitated and fast-talking Headley keeps asking prosecutors if they had made any other arrests yet in the case.

Still, experts have said undermining Headley's credibility is a challenge for the defense. His testimony has involved numerous emails and transcripts of phone calls with others listed in the indictment.

``He's certainly an imperfect individual, but the fact that the U.S. government put him up there and put him up there first, seems to suggest a reasonable level of confidence in what he has to say,'' said Stephen Tankel, a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who has written a book on Lashkar.

Besides Rana, six others are charged in absentia, including Kashmiri, a man known only as ``Major Iqbal,'' who Headley said was an ISI major, and Sajid Mir, Headley's Lashkar-e-Taiba handler.

Headley said he started working with Lashkar in 2000. He testified that the group and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency operate under the same umbrella, though Pakistan has repeatedly denied the allegation. Headley said Lashkar and ISI coordinated in planning the attacks and that Rana was apprised of developments.

Rana and Headley, who are both 50, were schoolmates at a Pakistani military boarding school and have remained in touch.


영화 '아이언맨' 현실로 될뻔?

알-카에다, 록히드 마틴 CEO 살해 기도

    (시카고 AP.AFP=연합뉴스) 알-카에다와 연계된 파키스탄 무장세력이 미국 최대 군수업체인 록히드 마틴의 최고경영자 암살을 기도했다는 증언이 나왔다.

뭄바이 테러를 주도한 혐의를 받고 있는 파키스탄계 미국인 데이비드 콜맨 헤들 리는 31일(현지시각) 미국 시카고에서 열린 테러 혐의자 타하우르 후세인 라나의 재 판에 출석해 이같이 밝혔다.

헤들리는 자신이 지난 2009년 8월 록히드 마틴의 최고경영자 암살 계획을  연구 하기 위해 시카고에 있던 라나의 사무실 컴퓨터를 몰래 사용했다고 밝혔다.

그는 이 계획을 알-카에다와 밀접하게 연계된 파키스탄 무장단체 '하르카트 울 제하드 알 이슬라미(HUJI, 이슬람성전운동)의 사령관 일리아스 카슈미리와 함께  모 의했다고 주장했다.

그는 카슈미리가 파키스탄 내에서 일어나는 미국의 무인 항공기 공격에 분노해 군수업체인 록히드 마틴을 표적으로 삼고 싶어했다고 말했다. 하지만 이 계획은  실 행에 옮겨지지는 않았다.

그는 "내가 한 조사는 인터넷에서 누군가에 대해 몇번 검색하는 것보다는 더 철 저하고 상세한 것이었다"면서도 당시 계획의 구체적인 내용에 대해선 밝히지 않았다 .

그는 사형을 피하고 인도나 파키스탄, 덴마크로 송환되는 것을 대가로 자신의 오랜 친구이자 공모자로 알려진 라나에 불리한 증언을 하고 있다.

그러나 라나측 변호인들은 헤들리를 그동안 여러 개의 다른 삶을 살아온 거짓말 쟁로 묘사하면서 그가 한 증언은 신빙성이 떨어진다는 점을 부각시키려 하고 있다.
