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Police: 68 killed in bombings in NW Pakistan

Twin explosions struck a paramilitary training center in northwestern Pakistan on Friday, killing at least 68 people _ nearly all recruits _ in the bloodiest attack in the country since a U.S. raid killed al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden.

A suicide bomber detonated at least one of the blasts at the main gate of the facility for the Frontier Constabulary, a poorly equipped but front-line force in Pakistan's battle against al-Qaida and allied Islamist groups close to the Afghan border. Like other branches of Pakistan security forces, it has received U.S. funding.

The attack was a savage reminder of the toll militant groups are taking on Pakistan even as it faces international suspicion that elements within its security forces may have been harboring bin Laden, who was killed in a raid about three hours' drive from Peshawar.

Dozens of people also were wounded, said police official Nisar Khan. He said a suicide bomber, a man in his late teens or early 20s, set off one blast. The cause of the other explosion was not yet known, he said.

Many recruits were boarding vehicles to go home for a short break at the end of a recent training session.

A vegetable vendor at the site said some recruits were seated in white minivans and others were loading luggage atop the vehicles.

``There was a big blast,'' he said. ``I saw smoke, blood and body pieces all around.''

Pakistani paramedics help injured blast victims as they arrive at a hospital in Peshawar on Friday following a suicide and bomb attack on the paramilitary police in the northwestern Charsadda district. (AFP)
Pakistani paramedics help injured blast victims as they arrive at a hospital in Peshawar on Friday following a suicide and bomb attack on the paramilitary police in the northwestern Charsadda district. (AFP)

No group immediately claimed responsibility. But militants have pledged to avenge bin Laden's May 2 killing, and reprisal strikes on Pakistani territory had been expected.

The Sept. 11 mastermind and at least four others were killed by U.S. Navy SEALs who raided bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, a garrison city. Bin Laden is believed to have lived in the large house for up to six years.

Pakistani officials have denied knowing he was there but have criticized the American raid ordered by President Barack Obama as a violation of their country's sovereignty.

Pakistani leaders have also repeatedly pointed out that tens of thousands of their own citizens have died in suicide and other attacks since Sept. 11, 2001, when Islamabad became an ally of the U.S. in taking on Islamist extremists.

Many of the attacks in Pakistan have targeted security forces, including young cadets or recruits.



빈 라덴 사살 이후 최대 규모..파키스탄 탈레반 "첫 보복 공격"

파키스탄 북서부 차르사다에서 13일 오전 6시10분(현지시각)께 군훈련장을 겨냥한 자살폭탄 테러가 발생, 70명이 숨지고 30여명이 부상했다고 현지 경찰이 밝혔다.

니자르 칸 마르와트 경찰청장은 "이번 공격으로 70명이 숨지고 30여명이 부상했다"며 "사망자중 65명은 군인이고 나머지 5명은 민간인"이라고 밝혔다

현지 TV방송 '사마'에 따르면 이날 공격은 차르사다 중심부에 위치한 군 훈련장 입구로 폭발물이 장착된 오토바이와 말이 끄는 수레가 접근해 잇따라 폭발하면서 발생했다.

목격자들은 테러범이 폭탄을 실은 오토바이를 군인들이 탄 버스로 밀어넣으면서 첫번째 폭발이 일어났고 사람들이 피해자들을 구하고 있는 와중에 두번째 폭발이 일어났다고 전했다.

경찰은 폭발 직후 현장을 봉쇄했고 사망자와 부상자는 인근 병원으로 옮겨졌다.

이날 공격은 오사마 빈 라덴이 파키스탄 북서부 아보타바드에서 지난 2일 사살된 이후 발생한 테러공격으로는 최대 규모다.

파키스탄 탈레반은 이번 공격이 빈 라덴 사살에 대한 자신들의 첫 보복이라고 밝히면서 더 강력한 공격이 있을 것이라고 위협했다.

한편 파키스탄 북서부의 최대 도시인 페샤와르에서도 오전 경찰 통제선 안에서 폭발이 일어나 적어도 3명이 다쳤다고 사마가 보도했다.

