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Tension as White House Situation Room watched raid

In this image released by the White House, President Barack Obama listens during one in a series of meetings discussing the mission against Osama bin Laden, in the Situation Room of the White House, Sunday, May 1, 2011, in Washington. (AP-Yonhap News)
In this image released by the White House, President Barack Obama listens during one in a series of meetings discussing the mission against Osama bin Laden, in the Situation Room of the White House, Sunday, May 1, 2011, in Washington. (AP-Yonhap News)

WASHINGTON (AP) — From halfway around the world, President Barack Obama and his national security team monitored the strike on Osama bin Laden's compound in real time, watching and listening to the firefight that killed the terrorist leader.

Gathered in the White House Situation Room, members of the group held their breath and barely spoke as they waited to see whether a carefully crafted yet extremely risky plan would succeed, said White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan. Obama had been playing golf but returned to the White House for the suspenseful watch Sunday.

Brennan said he would not reveal details "about what types of visuals we had or what type of feeds that were there but it was — it gave us the ability to actually track it on an ongoing basis." Typically, members of the Navy SEAL team that conducted the operation wear helmet cameras that transmit sound and video to their operation centers and that data can be fed live to the White House and Pentagon.

As the SEALs lowered themselves from helicopters into bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, the president and his advisers could only wait.

"It was probably one of the most anxiety-filled periods of time, I think, in the lives of the people who were assembled here yesterday," Brennan told reporters. "The minutes passed like days, and the president was very concerned about the security of our personnel."

There hadn't been unanimity among members of Obama's team about going forward with the plan. The president had plenty of evidence to suggest bin Laden would be found in the compound — as indeed he was — but there was no ironclad certainty he was there.

Then there was the danger. Anything could happen. And indeed, something did. One of the helicopters carrying the SEALs stalled upon arrival in the compound and had to be abandoned. It was a heart-stopping moment.

"Seeing that helicopter in a place and in the condition that it wasn't supposed to be, I think that was one of — at least for me and I know for the other people in the room — was the concern we had that now we're having to go to the contingency plan," said Brennan.

The contingency plan of switching to a different chopper worked. In the end, so did the whole operation, and bin Laden was shot dead. But not before the president's nerves got a serious workout.

"When we finally were informed that those individuals who were able to go in that compound and found an individual that they believed was bin Laden, there was a tremendous sigh of relief," said Brennan. "And the president was relieved once we had our people and those remains off target."

<한글 기사>

오바마, 빈 라덴 급습 작전 `실황' 모니터

국가안보팀, 백악관 상황실서 현장 화면 시청

길고 긴 침묵..빈 라덴 발견ㆍ사살 확인후에야 '안도의 한숨'

버락 오바마 대통령을 비롯한 미국 주요 국가안보팀 멤버들이 지난 1일(이하 미국 동부시간) 특수부대의 오사마 빈 라덴 급습 작전을 '리얼 타임'으로 생생히 지켜보며 상황의 전개를 파악한 것으로 알려졌다.

미 국가안보팀 멤버들은 이날 오후 2시 백악관 상황실에서 최종적으로 빈 라덴 사살 또는 생포작전을 점검했다.

파키스탄 현지의 특수부대팀이 몇 대의 헬기를 통해 빈 라덴 은신지로 진입하며 작전에 돌입하는 순간부터 종료 때까지 백악관 상황실 스크린에는 현장의 상황이 생생하게 전달됐다.

오바마 대통령, 조 바이든 부통령, 힐러리 클린턴 국무장관, 로버트 게이츠 국방장관, 마이크 멀린 합참의장, 윌리엄 데일리 백악관 비서실장과 국가안보회의(NSC) 주요 인사들이 함께 상황을 지켜봤다.

존 브레넌 백악관 테러담당 보좌관은 2일 브리핑을 통해 "우리는 작전 개시 때부터 목표물 발견, 시신 이동 등에 이르기까지 작전의 모든 진전 상황을 '실시간으로'(in a real time)으로 모니터할 수 있었다"고 밝혔다.

브레넌 보좌관은 "아마도 백악관 상황실에 모여 이를 지켜본 사람들에게는 생애에서 가장 초조하고 불안했던 시간이었을 것"이라며 "수분이 마치 며칠과도 같았다"고 당시 분위기를 전했다.

작전 개시부터 현장에서 철수하기까지 걸린 시간은 40분이었다고 했다.

그는 오바마 대통령이 작전 상황을 지켜보면서 "우리 특수부대원들의 안전을 가장 염려했다"고 말했다.

모든 사람이 무척 긴장했고, 모두가 숨을 죽이고 침묵 속에서 상황을 지켜보았고 마침내 특수부대원이 진입한 건물에서 오사마 빈 라덴과 마주치자 "상황실에는 안도의 탄식이 터져나왔다"고 브레넌 보좌관은 전했다.

빈 라덴을 실제로 목격할 때까지 습격한 은신처에 빈 라덴이 있을 것으로 100% 확신하지 못했던 터라 모니터를 통해 빈 라덴의 모습을 발견하자 '작전 성공'이라는 안도감이 모두에게서 표현됐다는 것.

브레넌 보좌관은 "대통령은 우리 부대원들과 빈 라덴의 시신이 현장에서 철수하고 나서야 안도했다"고 말했다.

백악관은 어떠한 경로를 통해, 어떠한 기술적 방법으로 현장에서 백악관으로 화면이 전송돼왔는지는 구체적으로 밝히지 않았다.

백악관은 빈 라덴 급습작전이 진행되는 동안 백악관 상황실에서 오바마 대통령을 비롯, 주요 인사들이 긴장된 표정으로 현장 중계 스크린을 보는 스틸 사진을 공개했다.

