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William, Kate try to carve out some private time

Shunning an immediate overseas honeymoon and opting instead for a quiet weekend at a secret British location, Prince William and Kate Middleton have made it clear they want to carve out some space for themselves.

This fight for privacy is crucial if they are to avoid being hounded like William's mother, the late Princess Diana, whose every move was tailed.

The royal newlyweds started Saturday by asking the media not to intrude this weekend and to leave them alone when they eventually start their honeymoon. Separately, palace officials also asked the media not to reveal where the couple live near William's Royal Air Force base in Wales.

He will return to military duty there as a helicopter rescue pilot after the holiday weekend, which ends Monday.

The request for privacy was in stark contrast to their accessibility to the public over the previous two days. On the eve of Friday's wedding at Westminster Abbey, William greeted crowds on the streets outside his official residence in an impromptu gesture.

The royal couple also dazzled the masses on their wedding day with an open-topped carriage ride from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace and a pair of kisses on a palace balcony. They also emerged from the gates of the palace with the prince at the wheel of his father's Aston Martin, which had balloons on the back and a ``Just Wed'' license plate.

William and Middleton, who have the titles of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, now seem determined not to let paparazzi armed with long-lensed cameras make it impossible for them to go about their business without constantly feeling they are being stalked.

The couple, walking hand in hand on the grounds of Buckingham Palace, boarded a helicopter Saturday morning to a secret location, then issued a statement asking to be left alone.

``The couple have asked that their privacy be respected during the coming weekend and during their honeymoon,'' according to a message posted on the official royal wedding website.

Previously, officials said William had scheduled two weeks of leave from his military duties amid indications that the honeymoon would begin a day or two after the wedding. But the couple said on the website that they would take an overseas honeymoon at a later date.

The ultimate destination remains a closely-guarded secret, although a number of idyllic locations have been mentioned. German media reports, which were not confirmed, suggested the couple planned to spend a honeymoon at a small private island in the Seychelles.

The reports were based on the comments of a German real estate agent who claimed to have rented the island to the British royals.

Privacy has long been the couple's main concern while planning their honeymoon. They are thought to have considered private islands in the Caribbean _ although photographers on boats could conceivably get pictures of them cavorting on a beach _ and hideaways in Africa, where William has traveled extensively in the past.

In this photo provided by Clarence House on Saturday, April 30, 2011, Britain's Prince William, center left, and his wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, center right, pose for a photograph with, clockwise from bottom right, Margarita Armstrong-Jones, Eliza Lopes, Grace van Cutsem, Lady Louise Windsor, Tom Pettifer, and William Lowther-Pinkerton in the Throne Room at Buckingham Palace, following their wedding at Westminster Abbey, London, on Friday, April 29, 2011. (AP)
In this photo provided by Clarence House on Saturday, April 30, 2011, Britain's Prince William, center left, and his wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, center right, pose for a photograph with, clockwise from bottom right, Margarita Armstrong-Jones, Eliza Lopes, Grace van Cutsem, Lady Louise Windsor, Tom Pettifer, and William Lowther-Pinkerton in the Throne Room at Buckingham Palace, following their wedding at Westminster Abbey, London, on Friday, April 29, 2011. (AP)

Another option, one they may be using this weekend, is Queen Elizabeth II's Balmoral Estate in Scotland, which contains vast secluded areas where the couple would be likely left alone.

But the desire for privacy _ something they enjoyed during their university days because the usually voracious British media agreed to give the young prince some space _ may become a dominant theme of their marriage, especially with the worldwide interest generated by their glamorous wedding.

The BBC said 17.5 million viewers watched Kate Middleton arrive at Westminster Abbey in her wedding gown. Sky News said 661,000 viewers watched her entrance, and around a million logged on to their website. Millions more watched around the world, and the images from the wedding will be reprinted for years.

Certainly, the Middletons and the royal family appeared to want to send out a clear signal that the wedding was definitely over. Middleton's parents, her brother and sister left their London hotel in the afternoon, smiled and waved at waiting photographers, and then drove back to their home in Bucklebury, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) west of London.

Royal commentator Dickie Arbiter said the couple is likely to be able to live normally when they return to the area around the military base in north Wales where William is based.

``They've been left alone there in the past and there's no reason they won't be left alone there now,'' he said.

Arbiter said that it will be relatively easy for the prince's staff, which has wide experience in security and logistics, to set up the honeymoon so the couple would not be disturbed. The honeymoon is expected to be briefer than that of William's parents, Prince Charles and Diana, who combined a two-week Mediterranean cruise with several extended breaks in Britain.

William and Middleton celebrated their wedding in style Friday night and Saturday morning with a dinner and dance party at Buckingham Palace hosted by Charles. Middleton wore a second gown designed by Sarah Burton of the Alexander McQueen fashion house, while William wore a double-breasted tuxedo.

Some of the prominent guests, including Middleton's sister Pippa and Prince Harry's sometimes girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, returned to their rooms at the Goring Hotel at about 3 a.m. Saturday as the palace celebrations wound down.

Harry had announced plans to make an early morning ``fry up'' breakfast for anyone with the constitution to stay awake through the night, but it is not known how many hungry partygoers he fed.

There was no fear about keeping quiet to avoid waking grandma _ Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip had left the palace to the kids and retreated to another royal residence.

The often contentious British media pronounced the wedding day an unqualified success, filling special souvenir editions with dozens of photos from a day that saw an estimated 1 million people throng the streets and parks of London to celebrate.

Middleton's bridal bouquet was laid on the tomb of the unknown warrior _ a memorial in Westminster Abbey that holds the remains of a solider killed in World War I that is now a memorial for all war dead.

Queen Elizabeth II's mother, the late Queen mother, began the tradition of laying royal bridal bouquets on the tomb when she left her own bouquet there after her wedding to the Duke of York, later George VI in 1923.


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로열허니문의 초극비 장소는?

지난달 29일 세기의 결혼식을 치른 영국 윌리엄 왕자 부부가 신혼여행을 늦추기로 했다. 비록 로열웨딩 전 과정은 공개가 됐지만 파파라치들이 신혼여행까지 따라 붙는 것을 막기 위한 것으로 보인다.

버킹엄궁에서 첫날밤을 보낸 두 사람은 30일 낮 헬기를 타고 알려지지 않은 모처로 이동했다. 헬기에 오르기 전 이들 부부는 “언론들이 사생활을 존중해줬으면 좋겠다”고 당부한 뒤 신혼여행 일정에 대해 더이상 언급하지 않았다.

이들은 신혼여행을 일단 늦추고 주말에 영국 내에서 휴식을 취할 예정이며, 윌리엄 왕자는 다음주 소속 부대로 복귀할 것이라고 BBC방송은 전했다.

앞서 영국 언론들은 윌리엄 왕자가 2주간 휴가를 받아 신혼여행을 떠날 것이라며 케냐, 요르단, 호주 등을 신혼여행지 후보로 거론했다. 일각에서는 신혼여행지가 이미 언론에 공개돼 파파라치의 접근을 우려한 두 사람이 일정을 연기한 것 아니냐는 분석도 나왔다.

반면 윌리엄 왕자 부부가 이번 결혼을 통해 영국의 위상을 높였던 점을 들어 해외여행 대신 스코틀랜드에서 휴식을 취할 것이라는 관측도 적지 않게 나왔었다. 스코틀랜드에는 두 사람이 대중의 관심을 피해 푹 쉴 수 있는 엘리자베스 2세 여왕과 찰스 왕세자의 저택이 여러곳 있다. 두 사람은 10년 전 스코틀랜드 세인트 앤드루스 대학에서 처음 만난 뒤 주말이면 스코틀랜드에 있는 여왕의 발모랄 영지 내 저택을 자주 찾은 바 있다.

두 사람은 휴식 후 윌리엄이 복무중인 웨일스 앵글시 공군기지 인근에 신접살림을 차릴 예정이다. 하지만 이들의 일거수 일투족을 쫓는 타블로이드 매체들의 추적으로 신혼생활이 편치만은 않을 것으로 예상된다.

한편 전날 윌리엄 왕자의 아버지인 찰스 왕세자는 양가 친척 및 친구 등 300명을 초청해 만찬을 베풀었다. 윌리엄 왕자의 동생인 해리 왕자와 신부의 아버지 마이클 미들턴이 연설을 했고, 신부인 캐서린은 흰색 이브닝 드레스를 입었다고 BBC는 전했다. 이 드레스는 캐서린의 웨딩드레스를 만든 사라 버튼이 제작한 것이다.

이날 웨스트민스터 대성당에서 거행된 로열웨딩을 보기 위해 100만명 가량이 런던에 모인 것으로 추산되며, 영국에서만 2400만명이 TV로 로열웨딩을 시청한 것으로 추산된다.

특히 이날 결혼식 장면마다 전력수요가 널뛰기를 해 영국 전력 당국이 긴장하기도 했다. 윌리엄 왕자 부부를 태운 마차가 퍼레이드를 끝내고 버킹엄궁에 도착한 직후인 12시 40분께에는 영국 전역 수백만 가구가 ‘티타임’을 위해 동시에 물을 끓여 순간 전력수요가 2400메가와트 치솟았다. 이같은 전력수요 급등은 영국 전력 사상 역대 4번째로 높은 기록이다. 반면 가장 기대를 모은 ‘발코니 키스’ 장면 때는 모든 영국 시청자들의 눈과 귀가 TV로 쏠려 순간 전력수요가 3000메가와트 급감한 것으로 나타났다.

(헤럴드 경제)
