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Blind man arrested after driving

An Italian man was reportedly arrested for pretending to be blind in order to receive disabilities benefits.

Since 2003, the 67-year-old man allegedly to be sightless applied for governmental welfare for his ‘disabilities’ and had been receiving about $85,000 worth of support, according to ANSA, the Italian news agency.

His swindle came to the end when his automobile was pulled over by police at a random traffic stop. At first, the police fined him for not having the driver’s license with him. However they later found out from their data base that he was one of suspects of disability fraud.

After realizing that the man was only pretending to be blind, the police arrested him for wrongfully receiving welfare support.

Kang Yoon-seung ( Intern reporter


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현지 언론보도에 따르면, 올해 67세인 이 남성은 2003년부터 총 6만 유로 정도의 복지 혜택을 받아왔다.

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경찰은 복지금 부당 수혜 혐의로 이 남성을 체포했다.