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FBI memo ‘confirms’ the 1947 Roswell UFO incident

A FBI memo describes the 1947 Roswell UFO incident. (FBI The Valut)
A FBI memo describes the 1947 Roswell UFO incident. (FBI The Valut)

A memo, released by FBI’s online resource website The Vault, appears to confirm the 1947 Roswell UFO incident, Daily Mail reported Saturday.

An alien spacecraft allegedly crashed in the town of Roswell, New Mexico on July 2, 1947 and since then the incident has been the subject of controversy and conspiracy theories.

The memo written by Guy Hottel, the special agent in charge of the Washington field office in 1950, shows the description of flying saucers and alien life inside the machine.

Titled “flying saucers information concerning,” the memo said “an object purporting to be a flying disc was recovered near Roswell, New Mexico.”

It said the object looked like “a high-altitude weather balloon with a radar reflector,” and detailed the description, depicting as “hexagonal in shape and suspended from a balloon by cable.

“Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall,” Hottel said.

“The bodies were dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots,” he wrote.

The bodies of aliens were reported to have been transported for examination and autopsied by the U.S. military.

The alien autopsy footage claimed to have been taken by the U.S. military created a sensation worldwide. However, video entrepreneur Ray Santili later admitted that it was just the reconstruction of what would have happened in Roswell in 2006. 

Rowsell alien autopsy footage created by video producer Ray Santili. (YouTube)
Rowsell alien autopsy footage created by video producer Ray Santili. (YouTube)

By Lee Woo-young (

Edited by Rob York
<한글 요약> 

외계인 사건 '증명' 하는 FBI 문서 공개 

미 FBI의 문서공개 사이트에 1947년 로스웰 외계인 사건을 증명해주는 내용이 공개되어 화제가 되고 있다.

이 문서에는 당시 사건을 담당한 책임자가 이 사건에 대한 자세한 묘사가 포함되어있다.

가이 핫텔이라는 당시 사건 담당자는 비행접시로 추정되는 물체를 발견했고, 그 물체 안에는 각각 3개의 인간 형태의 생명체가 있었고, 키는 90cm 정도에 금속성 옷을 입고 있었다고 상세히 기술하고 있다.

이때 발견된 "외계 생명체"는 미군으로 옮겨져 관찰대상이 되었고, 부검되었다고 한다.

한때 부검 장면을 담은 비디오 영상이 방영되어 전 세계적으로 화제가 되었으나 2006년도에 이 영상은 비디오 제작자인 레이 산틸리라는 사람이 개인적으로 제작한 것으로 판명되었다.