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Kan thanks world for support

TOKYO (AFP) ― Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Monday placed a signed advertisement in seven newspapers around the globe, thanking people for supporting Japan in the month since it was hit by a devastating tsunami.

Here is the text of the advertisement, entitled Kizuna (the bonds of friendship):

Thank you for the Kizuna.

One month has passed since an earthquake of unprecedented scale struck Japan, taking thousands of precious lives. Even today, evacuation shelters are still the only refuge for more than 150,000 people.

In the tsunami-devastated regions there was no food, no water, no electricity and the survivors had no communications. At that desperate time people from around the world rallied to our side bringing hope and inspiring courage.

Every blanket and every cup of hot soup brought warmth and strength to the cold and exhausted who had lost everything. Rescue teams heroically searched for survivors in the heaps of broken rubble, while medical teams worked tirelessly caring for the injured.

We are still receiving a tremendous outpouring of encouragement, prayers and support from people worldwide. We deeply appreciate the Kizuna our friends around the world have shown and I want to thank every nation, entity, and you personally, from the bottom of my heart.

Reconstruction has already begun and we are putting every effort into stabilizing the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Through our own efforts and with the help of the global community, Japan will recover and come back even stronger. We will then repay you for your generous aid.

With this in our hearts, we now stand together dedicated to rebuilding the nation.

As our feelings of deep gratitude to you grow into feelings of hope, we, the people of Japan, express our sincere thanks to you all.

Naoto Kan

Prime Minister of Japan.

A Friend In Need Is

A Friend Indeed.