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Remains of 8 million dogs found in Egypt

Young souvenir vendor walks along an almost empty road to the Giza pyramids on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. (AP-Yonhap News)
Young souvenir vendor walks along an almost empty road to the Giza pyramids on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. (AP-Yonhap News)

When people think of Egypt’s representative animal, they usually think of cats. But they may change their minds, as about 8 million dogs were found in an underground tunnel in northern part of the country.

The Daily Mail reported that scientists from Cardiff University investigated the underground network of Saqqara desert and found the stunning remains.

The structure was composed of one central pathway along with other many smaller roads stretching out. Pilgrims bought puppies from farms, and made them into mummies.

Some of the dogs found were made into mummies only a few hours after birth. It is assumed that the mummies were made and treated as a symbol of Anubis, one of the gods of the dead.

Anubis, from Egyptian myth, has the head of jackal and the body of human.

“These animals were not strictly ‘sacrificial.’ Rather, the dedication of an animal mummy was regarded as a pious act, with the animal acting as an intermediary between the donor and the gods,” Dr. Paul Nicholson from the university’s School of History Archaeology and Religion told the Daily Mail.

It is assumed that the practice was stopped after the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30 B.C.

By Kang Yoon-seung (
Intern reporter

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영국 일간지 데일리 메일은 현지 카디프 대학교 과학자들이 사카라 사막 지하 연결 통로에서 충격적인 발견을 하였다고 보도하였다.

지하 구조물은 하나의 주요 통로가 있고, 거기서부터 여러 작은 길이 뻗어져 나오는 형식이었다.

발굴된 일부 개는 탄생 후 불과 몇 일, 혹은 몇 시간 만에 미라로 만들어진 것으로 보였다. 경제적 부유함과 상관없이 사람들은 강아지를 농장에서 구입한 뒤, 미라로 만든 것으로 추측되었다. 이러한 미라는 이집트 신화에 나오는 자칼의 머리와 인간의 몸을 가진 죽음의 신 아누비스를 상징할 수 있다고 과학자들은 밝혔다.

카디프대 폴 니콜슨 교수는 이러한 의식은 제물을 바치는 것을 의미한다는 것 보다는, 인간과 신의 매개를 상징하는 행위였다고 추측하였다.

이집트의 이러한 전통의식은 로마가 기원전 30년 침략을 하면서 중단되었다.
