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Japan denies news of 'eight-day survivor'

Rescue workers search through debris in Minamisanriku, Miyagi prefecture on Friday. AFP-Yonhap News
Rescue workers search through debris in Minamisanriku, Miyagi prefecture on Friday. AFP-Yonhap News

   OSAKA, Japan (AFP) - A man thought to have survived for eight days in the rubble of Japan's earthquake and tsunami zone was actually an evacuee who had returned to his house, a military spokesman said Saturday.

   Troops had found the man -- aged in his 20s, apparently in shock and unable to speak -- inside a wrecked house in the disaster area of Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture, the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) said earlier.

   "When the person was transported to hospital, a fire department official recognised him as an evacuee who had been in a centre for a week and who had tried to return to his home," an SDF spokesman later told AFP.

   The man had temporarily returned home, together with his family, and was alone on the second floor of his half-destroyed house when he was found by a pair of troops, Jiji Press said, citing SDF and hospital sources.

   The man was identified as Katsuharu Moriya, Kyodo News agency reported.

   A 9.0-magnitude earthquake on March 11 triggered a giant tsunami that flattened Japan's northeast coast and killed 7,197, according to the latest police death toll, with almost 11,000 officially listed as missing.


<日대지진> '8일만에 기적 구조' 해프닝으로 확인

    (도쿄.오사카 dpa.AFP=연합뉴스) 일본 대지진 후 9일째 한 20대 남성이  구조됐 다는 기적의 드라마는 오해에서 비롯된 해프닝인 것으로 확인됐다.

    19일 오전 게센누마(氣仙沼)시의 부서진 주택 2층에서 발견된 20대 남성 모리야 가쓰하루씨는 이날 구조된 것이 아니라 지진 후 일주일간 대피소로 몸을 피했다  잠 시 자택을 찾아왔던 것으로 확인됐다고 일본 자위대가 이날 밝혔다.

    앞서 이날 NHK와 교도통신은 구조활동을 벌이던 자위대원이 오전 9시께  게센누 마시 남쪽의 한 주택 2층에서 20대 남성을 구조하는 데 성공했다고 육상자위대 도호

쿠(東北)방면 총감부를 인용해 보도했다.

    당시 이 남성은 큰 충격을 받은데다 쇠약해져 말을 할 수 없는 상태라고 전해졌다.

    그러나 병원 후송 후 이 남성은 대피소에 머무르던 생존자인 것으로 확인됐다.

    자위대 대변인은 "병원 후송 후에 구조대원이 모리야씨가 대피소에 1주일간 머 무르던 중 잠시 자택을 찾았던 생존자인 것을 알아봤다"고 말했다.
