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Jobs, Zuckerberg, Schmidt to meet with Obama in California

Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs, Facebook Inc. founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Google Inc. Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt are among the technology industry executives President Barack Obama will meet with tomorrow in the San Francisco area, according to a person familiar with the private session.

Steve Jobs (AP-Yonhap News)
Steve Jobs (AP-Yonhap News)

The president will discuss the U.S. economy and job creation with the executives as he promotes an agenda outlined in the $3.7 trillion budget he released this week that aims to keep up government funding for education and research.

The White House hasn’t released the names of those who will attend. The person familiar with the meeting spoke on condition of anonymity because the details haven’t been made public.

The person also said that General Electric Co. CEO Jeffrey Immelt, who Obama picked to lead a White House council on competitiveness, will be at the meeting.

The focus of the discussion is innovation and job creation, Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, said today. The executives attending know a lot about private sector job growth, he said.

On Feb. 18, Obama plans to visit Intel Corp., Hillsboro, Oregon, campus and tour the company’s semiconductor manufacturing facility with Intel Chief Executive Officer Paul Otellini. That stop is intended to highlight the company’s education programs in science, technology, engineering and math.

Leave of Absence

Jobs announced a leave of absence from the most valuable technology company on Jan. 17, the third time the Apple co- founder has taken time away from the company since 2004 to deal with health problems. While Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook has assumed control of day-to-day operations, Apple’s board hasn’t said who will take over for Jobs if he can return.  Apple is the maker of the iPhone and iPad devices and Macintosh personal computers.

Facebook, the world’s most-used social networking service, is hiring as it attracts more users and advertising revenue. It has grown to more than 2,000 employees from about 1,000 in August 2009, according to its website.

The company has more than 500 million users -- compared with about 250 million in July 2009. Facebook, which isn’t publicly traded and doesn’t disclose financial information, may have more than doubled its revenue to about $2 billion last year, three people familiar with the matter said in December.

Google, which had 24,400 people at the end of 2010, hired more than 4,500 last year, making that year second only to 2007, when the company added more than 6,000. Google Inc., based in Mountain View, California, is fending off competition from Facebook which surpassed it as the most-visited website in the U.S. in 2010, according to New York-based Internet tracker Experian Hitwise.

Facebook, along with Google Inc. and Twitter Inc., also increasingly figures in U.S. foreign policy. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vowed yesterday that the U.S. will step up support for global Internet freedom, as citizens using social networking sites and other areas of the Internet to organize demonstrations spreading across the Mideast and North Africa.



<한글 요약>

스티브 잡스, 페이스북, 구글 CEO와 함께 오바마와 면담 예정

3대 인터넷 기업 애플, 페이스북, 구글의 최고경영자들이 17일 목요일 샌프란시스코에서 오바마 대통령과 만날 예정이라고 동 면담에 대해 잘 아는 관련자에 의해 알려졌다.

오바마 대통령은 스티브 잡스, 마크 주커버그, 에릭 슈미트와 미국 경제 및 일자리 창출등에 대해 논의할 예정이라고 한다. 오바마 대통령은 이번주 3조 7천억 달러 (3천 7백조원) 에 달하는 정부 예산을 교육과 연구 분야에 지원할 예정이라고 밝힌 바 있다.

한편 백악관은 이번 면담  참가자들의 자세한 명단은 밝히지 않았다.

백악관 언론 비서관인 제이 카니는 이번 면담의 핵심은 혁신과 일자리 창출이 될 것이라고 밝혔다. 그리고 이번 면담에 참가하는 최고경영자들은 민간분야 일자리 성장에 대해 잘 알고 있다고 말했다.

 한편 스티브잡스는 1월 17일 세 번째 병가를 냈으며, 현재 팀 쿡 최고운영책임자(COO)가 스티브 잡스의 공백을 메우고 있다. 

