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KAIST’s OLED is haze-free

The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology said Thursday that it has developed organic light emitting diodes that avoid the haziness that has hindered the creation of transparent OLEDs.

The joint research project with the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning was published in the October issue of the U.S. journal Advanced Optical Materials.

“The technology can solve transparency, efficiency and haziness issues at the same time, which display makers haven’t addressed when making prototype for transparent OLEDs,” said Choi Kyung-cheol, a professor at KAIST’s Center for Advanced Flexible Display Convergence. “We have already obtained the relevant patents in Korea.”

He said the mass production of transparent displays could begin as soon as three years from now.

As conventional transparent OLED technologies use thin metal or transparent conductive oxides, light spreads away from the viewer, making screens less bright than in conventional OLEDs.

There have been efforts to solve the issue using nanostructures, but this caused haziness, making it difficult to deliver clear images. Choi’s research team used colloidal lithography to improve efficiency from all different viewing angles and remove haziness to realize transparent OLED technologies.

“Transparent OLED can be utilized for diverse purposes. We are also expecting an auto-navigation system which can be displayed on the front window so that drivers can see traffic information at eye level,” said Choi Do-young, the head of MSIP’s basic research promotion division.

KAIST researcher Choi Chung-sok said “This OLED technology that rouses the efficiency of luminescence without haziness is expected to be a base for transparent OLED development and applications down the road.”

By Shin Ji-hye (