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KT&G to unveil ‘This Africa’

This Africa. (KT&G)
This Africa. (KT&G)
KT&G Corp. said on Monday that it would put its new tobacco product “This Africa,” the latest in its “This” lineup, on sale, starting Wednesday.

The country’s largest tobacco maker said, “This Africa” contains tobacco leaves that are roasted and dried in traditional African style. “This” has been one of KT&G’s steady-selling lineups.

While most cigarettes with tobacco leaves use direct heat for dehydration, “This Africa” uses smoke-dried leaves that gives a unique scent with a slight tint of sweetness. Smoke-dried tobacco leaves are rare, KT&G stated, taking up only about 1 percent of processed tobacco leaves worldwide.

British graphic designer Papaboule and fashion street magazine Cracker Your Wardrobe participated in the packing design.

This Africa is 2,500 won ($2.26) per pack, and contains 5-milligram tar and 0.5-milligram nicotine.
