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[Album review] BTOB presents best musical mash for autumn


“Brother Act.”

Loen Entertainment 

It‘s true that BTOB has been underrated to some extent. But just add all 12 tracks of the group’s latest full-length album “Brother Act” to your playlist and bask in the crisp autumn air until it plays out. Without doubt, the autumn-tinged album will provide you with a soothing slow-down to your hectic day.

The orchestra-themed album opens with “Prelude: A Day,” an emotional piano melody masterpiece that will immediately soften your heart. The pure instrumental sound then blooms into effusive pop ballad “Missing You,” a lead track off the album, where BTOB vocalists meld their emotive voices beautifully.

It has a breezy start-off, but the song deepens with the vocalists’ intensifying emotions, climaxing in a “Sister Act”-like chorus where they sing in unison but only led by a drum beat. Follow-up ballad “My Lady” explores the post breakup emotions, which starkly contrasts with its soft-candy tune. Railing off a bit from the group‘s boyfriend image, “Guitar” is probably the boldest attempt in the album, comparing a woman to a guitar and members wailing that they want to play the guitar.

One may feel that the 12-track album could drag on, but there is no song that should be skipped, including the quirky hip-hop dance number “Blowin’ Up.” As if drawing a curtain to the concert, BTOB wraps up “Prelude: A Day” with “Finale: Our Concert,” an uplifting song dedicated to its fans.

After indulging in the affectionate harmony of the members from the last track, which recalls an image of a boy choir, your finger may push a replay button to take on another sonic journey with BTOB.
