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Forecasting color trends in markets

For both consumers and product developers, color is important ― often more so than design or function of a particular product. Color can be used to express identity for consumers.

From a developer’s perspective, however, “the right color can make sure products will sell better. Certainly in lifestyle products, color has the same function as in fashion,” said Filip Roscam, creative design manager of Merck’s Pigments and Cosmetics, in an interview with The Korea Herald on the sidelines of the ninth Color and Trend Seminar organized by Merck Korea on Tuesday.

In a constant search for the next color trend, Roscam said that he and other experts in the industry “have to keep investigating which will be the colors that have consumers’ preference in the years to come.”
Filip Roscam
Filip Roscam

A global leader in the pearlescent pigment market, Merck’s Pigments and Cosmetics does not rely on established products. Instead, it focuses on creating new demand by actively developing fresh products, added Roscam.

In fact, his company recently launched a new colored aluminum pigment brand called Meoxal, which is applicable for a wide array of products, especially for automotive and plastic coatings. Based on the layering structure of established pearlescent pigments, the new products combine new flake technology and layer technology.

“The taste of consumers changes over time, influenced by everything around them ― from art and media to advertising and other cultural things,” said Roscam, who also gave a lecture on the “New Consumer Electronic Color Inspiration” at the event. 
“The luminous metal effect pigments of the Meoxal products have an incredible color saturation and brilliance.”

With regard to the source of color inspirations, he listed mirror effects, colored cocktails, graphic art on body and the blue sky among many others.

For 2014-2015, Roscam predicted that stronger colors ― “even in cars, which is a little more conservative area than consumer electronics” ― will start to appear in the market.

In addition to warm colors, bold and experimental colors are also expected to show in the near future.

“If I need to mention one key color, I think that red will be the color for the next two years,” said Roscam.

By holding this seminar, Merck Korea brought together experts and leaders from different industries including automotive interiors, plastic coating and electronics, creating a venue for networking.

“The purpose of the event is to introduce the latest color trend in the world and apply the trend to local products, which would give a chance to customers to predict future trends and let them create demand for products,” said Juergen Koenig, president and managing director of Merck Korea.

By Kwon Bum-joon (