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Samsung-LG battle looms over Galaxy S4

LG claims right over eye scroll function while Samsung says it used own proprietary technology

Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics are arguing over the eye scrolling technology that was embedded in Samsung’s latest Galaxy S4, unveiled last week.

LG claimed Tuesday that it had rights over the scrolling technology that recognizes eye movements, stating that it applied for a related patent in Korea in December 2005.

The Seoul-based electronics maker said it also applied for its “Smart Video” patent in August 2009, which puts a video on hold when the user is not looking at the screen ― a feature emphasized by its rival at a launch event in New York on Friday.

“We’re planning to look into whether (Samsung) infringed our intellectual property as it has become clear that we registered the related patent ahead of our competitor,” the company said in a statement.

Samsung will be dealt with a blow if the court rules that it has violated LG’s intellectual property rights, as its new flagship Galaxy S4 was touted for improvements in software rather than in hardware.

In response to the statement, a Samsung official said that it may look similar to consumers, but it used the firm’s proprietary technology for the smart scroll and pause function in the new Galaxy smartphone.

LG, however, is also planning to look into Samsung’s “Smart Stay” feature, which was included in the previous Galaxy S3. The world’s No. 2 TV maker stated that it applied for a patent involving what it calls “Smart Screen” technology in Korea and the U.S. in September 2010. The patent was registered at the U.S. Patents and Trademark Office in December last year.

The smart screen feature enables the display screen to stay on for as long as the user looks at it. LG’s Optimus G and Optimus Vu 2 were equipped with the feature.

In the meantime, industry insiders said that the local shipping price of the new Galaxy S4 will be in the 900,000 won ($810) range, less pricey than the Galaxy Note 2.

The Galaxy S3 was priced at 994,000 won and Apple’s iPhone 5 was priced at 946,000 won.

By Cho Ji-hyun (