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‘Compromise between ideals and reality key to reform of chaebol’

Analyst skeptical of chaebol’s recent moves to cut size, calls for more reforms

Saenuri Party leader Park Geun-hye’s latest decision to steer clear of some of the key policies for reforming chaebol touched off harsh criticism about her true intentions, but the head of chose to adopt a more realistic perspective on the matter.

“The shift reflects a two-track policy for simultaneously pursuing economic growth and fair competition, and frankly, the most realistic methodology for keeping the economy on track while at the same time, promoting fair competition,” said Chung Sun-sup, chief executive of Korea’s only company that collects and selectively releases exclusive information on local conglomerates.

Chaebol-bashing was one of the key methods for pursuing “economic democratization,” a term adopted by all presidential candidates as their main goal for the Korean economy. CEO Chung Sun-sup (Lee Sang-sub/The Korea Herald) CEO Chung Sun-sup (Lee Sang-sub/The Korea Herald)

Park, who is running for president on the Saenuri Party ticket, announced a set of economic policy pledges last week that pointedly omitted the idea for enacting a new set of stringent laws exclusively for controlling the nation’s top industrial groups.

She immediately came under fire from liberals for kowtowing to the conglomerates.

But it has become difficult how to judge her actions, as even Moon Jae-in, the candidate on the opposition Democratic United Party ticket, on Wednesday said on air that he does agree that chaebol must be fostered and are necessary for global competition.

Independent Ahn Cheol-soo also admitted that the chaebol cannot be left to tank.

“We must remember that we might end up burning down the whole house trying to get the bedbugs,” Chung warned. “I do understand the dilemma we face, since if we put on the brakes, such as by banning the limit on the stakes a company can hold in another, we can curtail the reckless expansionist policies at major companies, but at the same time, we would be suffocating them and preventing further growth,” Chung said. “On the other hand, if they are left to their own devices, they may end up swallowing up the entire economy.”

The key to molding and implementing the right economic policies is knowing to compromise between ideals and reality, the CEO advised.

“When policies start to lose the realistic touch, that’s when they start to become accused of populism,” he said.

The conglomerates, meanwhile, have a long way to go in terms of reforms, Chung said, dismissing the recent pledges from Samsung, LG, SK and others to shed their affiliates: “This is nothing more than a preemptive attack being staged to avoid future regulations.

“They said they will cut down the number of their subsidiaries, and not the industries they operate in, which means that essentially, they still have their finger in every pie they want, just that their presence will be toned down a bit,” he said.

More than a handful of conglomerates have recently vowed to liquidate or merge some of their affiliates, a move interpreted by many here as a silent concession of their reckless expansion, which has been knocking their smaller counterparts out of the playing field.

“A faster way for promoting fair competition between the chaebol and the smaller companies is to completely overhaul the current fair trade laws,” he said.

Current laws are written in such a way as to be advantageous for the larger companies, and these firms lobby hard for their rights, which is why conglomerates usually walk away from government penalties unharmed because they immediately file lawsuits against the Fair Trade Commission and win.

The conglomerates claim that they are being sacrified for the sake of the elections.

By Kim Ji-hyun (

Economic democratization

Indicates the main economic policy pledge issued by major candidates for the Dec. 19 presidential election. Its central goal is to create equal opportunities for all parties of the economy.


재벌 잡으려다 초가삼간 다 태운다: 재벌닷컴 대표
재벌개혁만을 외치다가는 빈대 잡으려다 초가삼간 다 태우는 꼴이 될 것이라며 재벌닷컴 정선서 대표가 박근혜 새누리당 대통령 후보의 투 트랙 경제 정책을 가장 현실적인 공약으로 꼽았다.

코리아 헤럴드와의 인터뷰에서, “성장과 공정거래를 동시에 생각하는 투트랙 정책이야말로 경제를 무너뜨리지 않으면서 대기업을 개혁하고 공정거래가 자리잡도록 해주며, 서민들의 경제적 지위도 높여주는 공약이다,” 라고 말하며, 현실을 외면해서는 안 된다고 거듭 주문했다.

현실성이 떨어지면, 결국 포퓰리즘이라는 비난과 공격을 받을 수밖에 없을 것이기 때문이다.  
성장만을 우선시하다가는 결국 재벌이라는 빈대를 잡으려다 집 전체를 태울 수도 있다며, 오히려 어떻게 하면 효율적으로 빈대를 잡을 수 있을지를 고민해봐야 한다며, “빈대를 잡으려면 비용도 많이 들고 노력도 많이 들지만, 그렇다고 일자리도 창출해야 되고, 기업투자도 필요한 지금 시점에서 성장을 놓쳐버릴 수는 없다,” 고 했다
그러면서 가장 중요한 건 결국 공정거래의 원칙과 법을 세우는 것이라고 강조했다.

즉, 대기업과 거래하는 중소기업이 공정하고 당당하게 비즈니스를 할 수 있는 사회가 되어야 한다는 것이다.

또, 대한민국이라는 파이의 총량을 늘리지 않으면, 진정한 경제민주화를 이루기 어렵다며, “상, 중, 하로 나눠져 있는 사회적 현실에서, 상층만을 눌러서 중, 하층에 나눠준다고 해서 해결될 문제가 아니다. 그보다, 전체적으로 중량을 늘려야 한다,”고 주장했다.   
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