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Employment rate of college graduates up slightly

The average employment rate for new college graduates has risen slightly in the past year with those from two-year vocational colleges or with medical majors showing a higher success rate, the education ministry said Thursday.

According to a survey by the ministry of 498,833 people who finished college or graduate schools in August last year and in February this year, 59.5 percent had landed a job at home or abroad.

This year‘s figure was higher than last year’s 58.6 percent, though the ministry could not immediately be reached for comment on what triggered the increase.

The number excludes foreign students and those not seeking employment, joining the military for the country‘s mandatory military service and entering master’s or doctoral courses. The results are partly based on tallies of new hires enrolled in company health insurance plans, the ministry said.

Among the newly employed, a total of 1,324 landed a job abroad, nearly twice the number from a year earlier. Major destinations include the United States with 21.2 percent, Australia with 19.2 percent and Japan with 14.7 percent, according to the survey.

The rate for graduates of the nation‘s 24 two-year vocational colleges was the highest with 82.2 percent, while the average employment rate among two-year college graduates was 60.9 percent, about 4.7 percentage points ahead of those with a four-year university diploma, the survey showed.

Some 62.8 percent of male graduates were successful, showing an advantage over their female counterparts by 6.6. percentage points, the data showed.

Of medical school graduates, 92.4 percent were employed, with those from schools of dentistry and oriental medicine also enjoying high employment rates of 85.5 percent and 79.3 percent, respectively.

The ministry said it will punish schools that falsify their employment rates in administrative and financial terms to improve their data, which serves as a key criterion of the government’s college evaluation.

Some 28 schools caught intentionally swelling last year‘s number are under investigation, it added. (Yonhap News)

<관련 한글 기사>

국내 최고 취업률 대학과 계열은 어디?

올해 대졸자(전문대ㆍ대학원졸 포함)의 평균 취업률은 59.5%로 지난해보다 소폭 올랐다.

졸업생이 3천 명 이상인 대형 4년제 대학 중에서는 성균관대가 취업률 1위였다.

전문대와 대학졸업자 취업률은 조금 상승한 반면 일반대학원 졸업자 취업률은 다소 하락했다. 계열별로는 교육ㆍ의약계열이 최상위권을 유지했다.

교육과학기술부는 2011년 8월과 올해 2월 졸업한 전국 558개 고등교육기관 졸업자 56만6천374명의 취업률을 조사한 ’2012년 대학ㆍ계열별 취업률‘을 23일 발표했다.

이 자료는 이날 대학정보 공시사이트 대학알리미(에 실려 일반에 공개된다.

취업률은 졸업생 중 취업대상자(진학자ㆍ입대자ㆍ외국인유학생 등 제외)가 취직한 비율로, 직장 건강보험 가입자ㆍ해외취업자ㆍ영농업 종사자를 취업 인원으로 계산한다.

교과부는 취업률 정보 공시자료에 대한 감사를 해 허위사실이 적발되면 정부재정지원 제한 대학에 포함하는 등 엄중하게 제재할 방침이다. (코리아헤럴드)