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Light bulb with 20-year life unveiled in US on Earth Day

A prize-winning, super-energy-saving LED bulb from Dutch electronics giant Philips said to last over 20 years went on sale Sunday to coincide with Earth Day.

The bulb that won the US Department of Energy's "Bright Tomorrow Lighting Prize" was available from retailers for $50, down from an initial $60 price tag. The company said it was planning discounts to bring the cost down to as little as $25.

The 10-watt LED bulb (light-emitting diode) was deemed an efficient alternative to the standard 60-watt incandescent bulb, and rated to last 30,000 hours -- when used four hours a day, that translates to a more than two-decade life span, according to the company.

For consumers attentive to cost, Philips said the price tag was easily offset by energy savings of $165 over its lifetime.

The new bulb, which gives off 940 lumens, a soft white light, is "83 percent more energy efficient than the standard 60-watt incandescent," said Philips' North America executive Ed Crawford in announcing upcoming rebates.

Incandescent bulbs are power-sucking classics being phased out in countries around the world, replaced by energy-efficient CFL versions containing toxic mercury that make them hazardous to toss in the rubbish.

Philips' omni-directional bulb, which contains no mercury, began life as the sole entrant to the US government competition seeking ways to replace the common light bulb, and was submitted in 2009 after 18 months of testing.

LED bulbs face competition from compact fluorescent lights that approach seek similar efficiency levels, and cost far less.

The symbolic choice of Sunday's Earth Day release however saw Philips branding their bulb as the environmentally friendly choice.

Now in its 42 year, International Earth Day aims to bring attention to climate change and pollution, and highlight ways to save energy.

According to Philips, if every 60-watt incandescent bulb in the United States was replaced with their prize winner, "the nation would save about 35 terawatt-hours of electricity or $3.9 billion in one year."

A nationwide changeover would also avoid 20 million metric tons of carbon emissions, said the company -- equivalent to removing some 4 million cars from the roads.

"Consumers are no longer looking at a product that will last just six months to a year, they are looking at a product that is much more efficient and will be with them for decades," Crawford said ahead of the release.

"With LED bulbs, we are looking at a wholesale change in buying lighting technology, going from a disposable good to a durable good," he added.

Philips said it has partnered with over 280 US utility companies for the rebates and 230 more utility firms are expected to join the program in June. (AFP)


<한글 기사>

지구의 날 맞아 수명 20년짜리 LED전구 등장

지구의 날을 맞아 독일의 전자업체 필립 스가 수명이 20년을 넘는 에너지 절약 LED 전구를 선보였다.

2011년 미국 에너지부의 "밝은 미래 조명상(Bright Tomorrow Lighting Prize)"을 수상한 이 전구는 소비자가격이 50달러(약 5만 7천 원)지만 필립스는 25달러에서 30달러 정도로 할인 판매를 계획 중이라고 밝혔다.

필립스는 10와트짜리 이 LED전구가 표준 60와트 백열전구보다 83% 효율적이고 하루 3시간 사용시 최대 27년까지 쓸 수 있으며 이를 통해 소비자는 전구의 수명이 다할 때까지 165달러를 절약할 수 있다고 밝혔다.

한편, 올해로 42회째인 지구의 날을 맞아 환경학자들은 기후변화와 환경오염에 대한 관심과 에너지 절약 방법을 강조했다.

버락 오바마 미국 대통령은 지구의 날을 기념해 성명을 발표하고 "오늘은 우리에게 남겨진 도전을 깊이 생각하고 가장 긴급한 환경문제에 맞서는 날"이라며 "미래 세대의 성공은 오늘 우리가 어떻게 하느냐에 달려있다"고 밝혔다.

