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Gov't moves to strengthen penalty for in-flight violence

The government is moving to strengthen penalties for any behavior that could jeopardize the safety of a flight, including any type of violence against flight
attendants, it said Wednesday.
The move comes after an executive of POSCO Energy Co., an affiliate of the country's top steelmaker POSCO, was denied entry into the United States for allegedly assaulting a female flight attendant on a Korean Air flight from Incheon. The company official offered to step down Tuesday.
Violence against the crew of a flight is already punishable under the country's existing law, according to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
However, the law has been somewhat lenient, leading to formal charges and indictments only when there was an actual threat to the safety of a flight, the ministry explained.
The ministry is seeking to revise the law to include a maximum 5-million-won (US$4,470) fine for any behavior or violence that can undermine the safety of a flight.
Such behaviors include smoking and sexual harassment toward flight attendants or other passengers, as well as use of abusive or violent language toward others, it added.
The proposed revision passed a review committee of the National Assembly earlier this week. It will be put to a parliamentary vote following further reviews and approval by related parliamentary committees. (Yonhap News)
