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300 kilograms of coins trouble a car deal in China

A flour wholesaler surnamed Wang in the city of Xianyang in Northwest China used a van to transport the seven sacks of coins, which he had amassed through flour sales to business clients including steamed bread shops and noodle manufacturers. 

The coins, weighing 300 kilograms, worth altogether 60,000 yuan ($9,300).

In his work, he collects around 10,000 yuan of coins each month. The large numbers of coins comprised of one-yuan, 50-cent and 10-cent denominations, and together they weighed about 300 kilograms.

The car dealership had trouble finding a bank to receive the unusual payment, as counting it was not easy, and only one bank agreed to receive just 15,000 yuan of the coins and had started counting them.

Meanwhile, Wang cannot drive the car he wants to buy out of the dealership until all the coins are received and counted by banks. (China Daily)

<한글 요약>

일시불로 자동차 구매 통큰 남자, 그러나 동전으로?

중국 북서부 도시 셴양 (Xianyang)에 거주하는 한 밀가루 도매업자가 자동차를 구매하며 대금을 동전 일곱 포대로 지불하려고 해서 화제가 되고 있다.

동전의 전체 무게는 300kg가량이었으며, 금액은 총 6만 위안 (약 985만원)에 달하였다. 그는 매달 1만 위안 (약 165만원) 씩 동전을 모은 것으로 알려졌다.

한편, 자동차 판매업자는 이 많은 동전을 받아 줄 은행을 찾지 못해서 헤매고 있다. 현재 은행 단 한 곳만이 15,000 위안을 받아 동전 분리 작업에 들어갔다.
