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Man attempts to electrocute wife with chair

Andrew Castle, 61, created an unusual device to kill his wife in response to his failing marriage, according to reports.

Castle rigged an electric chair in his garage and lured his wife Margaret “for a chat.” When she knew of his intentions, the couple engaged in physical conflict. Castle struck his wife on the head, but she escaped through the side door. A passerby caught sight of the scuffle and called the police.

Margaret was sent to the hospital with minor head injuries while Andrew was found in the couples house’s backyard with knife wounds on his wrists from a suicide attempt.

Officers found the chair was connected to an electric cable running from a 13amp plug and a lamp. When the plug was turned on the chair completed the circuit.

The incident was caused when Margaret asked for a divorce. Her husband, who suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder and adjustment disorder, could not cope with the idea.

Castle has pleaded guilty and has been sentenced to 10 years in jail.

Christopher Kim
Intern Reporter
Edited by Rob York

<한글 번역>

아내가 미워 전기의자를 만들어 살해하려던 남편

영국에 거주하는 앤드류 캐슬(61)이 아내를 죽이기 위해 전기의자를 만들었다고 영국 텔레그래프가 전했다.

캐슬은 먼저 전기의자가 있는 차고로 아내를 유인해 얘기를 나누자고 했다. 그리고 둘 사이에서 몸 싸움이 일어났다. 남편은 마가렛에게 여러 차례 머리를 가격한후 옆문을 통해 도망쳤다. 

그리고 이를 지나가던 행인이 발견해 경찰에 신고했다.

마가렛은 비교적 가벼운 부상을 입었지만, 남편은 자택 뒷편에서 주방용 칼로 손목을 베는 등 자살 시도를 했다.

경찰은 이들을 조사하던 중 전기의자를 발견했고, 그 전기의자에는 13암페어 플러그에 전선과 램프를 연결 시킨 회로가 있었다고 한다.

캐슬은 아내가 18년 동안 지속되었던 결혼을 끝내고 이혼하자고 하자 분을 못 참고 이와 같은 범행을 저질렀다고 말했다.

그는 죄를 인정하고 징역 10년을 선고 받았다.