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The world’s most embarrassing dad

A stay-at-home father in Utah has been dubbed the world’s most embarrassing dad, thanks to the ridiculous costumes he wears in the morning when son gets on the school bus, according to Metro.

The quirky father boasts 170 different outfits in his wardrobe. Fitting into a slim mermaid suit is tricky, but he manages to slip his bulk body into it.

In other instances he has seen his son off dressed as Wonder Woman, Batgirl and also in a bridal dress. He also even sat on a toilet reading the daily newspaper like any father would in the morning … only he did it outside. 

This captured photo from shows Dale Prince, known as the most embarrassing dad.
This captured photo from shows Dale Prince, known as the most embarrassing dad.

The father, Dale Price, started his “hobby” when their son, Rain, asked him not to embarrass him when the school bus arrived at their home. Price took that as a challenge, and debuted dressed as a San Diego Chargers football player.

“I was in shock,” Rain told Daily Mail. “You don’t want to see your dad dressing up in a wedding dress, waving at you on the bus,” he said.

In response, the father said he hopes that his son would remember what he has done for the rest of his life.

By Christopher Kim

Intern reporter


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세상에서 가장 부끄러운 아빠

미국 유타주에 거주하는 데일 프린스는 아주 독특한 취미를 가지고 있다.

그는 옷장 속 170여 가지의 의상을 입고 매일 아들의 등교를 마중 나간다.

의상 중에는 원더우먼, 인어공주 그리고 신부 드레스로 다양한 옷을 학교 버스가 지나갈 때 입는다.

심지어 그는 학생들이 탄 버스 앞에서 변기에서 앉아서 신문 보며 일 보는 연기까지 했다.

데일은 평범하게 아들 마중을 나갔다가 아들이 다음부터 나오지 말라고 하면서 시작했다.

그래서 데일은 미식축구 선수로 변신하고 처음으로 의상 마중 나가기 시작했다.

프리스는 아들이 자신의 독특한 마중을 오랫동안 기억하길 원한다고 전했다.