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74-year-old female body builder defies time

Ernestine Shepherd, 74, was recognized as the oldest female bodybuilder by the Guinness Book of World Records. (YouTube)
Ernestine Shepherd, 74, was recognized as the oldest female bodybuilder by the Guinness Book of World Records. (YouTube)

A 74-year-old woman living in Baltimore was recognized as the oldest female bodybuilder by the Guinness Book of World Records, the Daily Mail reported Sunday.

Ernestine Shepherd has “six-pack” abs which look unbelievable at her age and tries to motivate other people to lead healthy lives as she teaches at a Baltimore fitness center.

“If you are going to try to motivate people, you have to live that part,” said Shepherds, who has kept a strict workout schedule and diet for 18 years.

She wakes up at 3 a.m. every morning to meditate and runs 16 km in a local park before lunch. She shuns sweets and keeps a rather strict diet of brown rice, chicken breasts, vegetables and a glass of raw egg whites three times a day.

She lives with her husband of 54 years and has a son, 53, and grandson, 14.

She said in the interview with the Washington Post that she was a “couch potato” until she was 56. Since then, she has run nine marathons and won two bodybuilding contests.

“Age is nothing but a number,” she said.

By Lee Woo-young (
Edited by Rob York

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74세 몸짱 할머니, 복근 공개

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